Chemtrails and Fraudulent Government ‘Climate Change’ Propaganda – “I took this photo this afternoon as I was coming home in a remote area of central Montana. These are chemtrails meant to harm the general population, and the land and water systems, but most still believe that this is some sort of conspiracy theory, without the intelligence or ability to actually look at the nefarious nature of the actual evidence before their very eyes. These are obvious examples of spraying the skies with toxic poisons, chemicals, harmful metals, nano-particles, and possibly even mRNA delivery systems meant only to harm.” – Gary D. Barnett

Urgent Message: It’ll Be Too Late To Fight This Threat When You Are Dead – “Euthanasia is going global in the same way that the covid hoax went global. And, just as with covid, celebrities all over the world are advocating `doctor assisted suicide’.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman

Testimony at the official Scottish Covid Inquiry ought to be causing outrage.. – “…but mainstream media is basically ignoring it. This is a very brief post, intended to raise awareness of the Scottish Covid Inquiry. Despite this now having been ongoing for months, hardly anyone outside the “sceptical” community knows anything about it.” – Jonathan Engler  – THIS LINK IS ABOUT A WEEK OLD BUT JONATHAN HAS AN UPDATE ON IT AS WELL!!!

Watch: The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin – “Don’t get whiplash…” – Tyler Durden

Patrick Wood reveals link between global ‘One Health’ Initiative, Gaia Worship and Technocracy’s one-world system – “Let’s connect the dots that run from modern medical tyranny to the surveillance state to the coming one-world religion” – Leo Hohmann

The Forgotten Science of Vaccine Disease Provocation – “Why do vaccines cause people to get the diseases they are supposed to protect you against?” – A Midwestern Doctor

One Week in June – “Medium Octane Speculation: The shots were not supposed to kill so many people so fast. I have long pondered one week in June, 2021. Jill Glasspool Malone posted a Linked In lamenting that hubby Bob Malone was not getting the credit he richly deserved for inventing the herd culling mRNA Cancer Shots. Apparently he didn’t see quite far enough into the future. One week later, Bob Malone was on Dark Satanic Horse Podcast preaching caution on the shots.” – Sage Hana

Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin – “In the wake of the FDA settling a lawsuit brought against it for wantonly and aggressively smearing ivermectin, the agency has deleted its postings. That’s good, but we shouldn’t forget how egregiously it mischaracterized the drug, ignored copious evidence in its favor, and portrayed its proponents as dangerous crackpots. ” – Dr. David Gortler

Top Doctor: Covid Shots Have ‘Highest Kill Rate in History’ – “Leading OBGYN physician Dr. James Thorp has issued a statement to warn about the alarming statistics that governments, health officials, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and the corporate media are all trying to keep hidden from the public. Dr. Thorp provides bombshell data proving that Covid mRNA shots have the “highest kill rate in history.” “This is the most lethal and injurious drug ever rolled out,” Thorp asserted. “And if you calculate the injured-to-kill ratio, it’s unprecedented in warfare and medicine.” Thorp revealed that during the first ten weeks of the Covid shot rollout in early 2021, “there were 42,086 casualties.”” – Frank Bergman

How Much More Demonic Can Taylor Swift Get? – “Several churches are foolishly endorsing her blasphemous performances…Swift regularly features demonic-looking goat’s heads, witches, spells, and rituals at her concerts. Her 2020 “Willow” music video featured an occult ritual. It’s bad enough she got a 2024 Grammy Award for that garbage… But now, increasing numbers of churches are not only failing to speak out against this tidal wave of theological insanity… some of them are actually using her music to bring young people into their services. They say they want to be relevant to the unchurched…” – Jim McCraigh


A Stroll Down ‘Constitution’ Avenue – “The real reason to get some gold/silver in your hands, now, before you finish this article, is that the world has gone mad, with a promise to make that insanity—your future. Pallets of digital dollars (US taxpayer debt), are given away to foreign nations, without debate. Given rather than loaned, and even when loaned, will play-out as a nonrepayable gifting. Dollars that are needed to assist a bankrupt US in closing an open sieve at its southern border are instead used to fund genocide and to bring-on WW3.” –  – A MUST READ FROM ERIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too Massive to Comprehend – “I remember a time not too long ago when you could sort of see what was happening in the world, even in your own backyard, with some degree of certainty. Yes, there were problems with journalistic suppressions, particularly during the Vietnam conflict. But truth always seemed to prevail. Was it all as it seemed? Unfortunately, I don’t think so. Not even then. But it sure seemed like there were various bastions of truth you could depend on. When did all these lies and corruption start?” – Todd Hayen, PhD, RP  – ANOTHER GOOD READ FROM TODD!!!

The Fungibility of Meaning – “Where is the “border?” As it turns out, it isn’t where the United States ends – and Mexico begins. Kind of like the Fourth Amendment doesn’t mean: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Which has no such meaning – as a practical matter – because the courts have ruled the Fourth means the government can subject anyone who happens to be out driving to a search, just because he is out driving. This brings us back to the “border.” Which isn’t the place where the United States ends and Mexico begins. It is as far as 100 miles within the United States – at least insofar as the reach of the (sic) Border Patrol. Its authority extends far beyond the physical border, which makes use of the term “border” nonsensical ” – Eric Peters

Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget – “Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in the United States and across Europe, are united with Russia in properly honoring Victory Day. For Russians, May 9 isn’t just a celebration of military triumph – it is a celebration of victory over death. When Nazi Germany officially surrendered on May 9, the people of the Soviet Union had made the most excruciating and crucial sacrifice to gain victory. There is still no exact figure, but it is estimated that 27 to 30 million Soviet citizens died in the Great Patriotic War (1941-45).” – Strategic Culture Foundation

Militant Refuse – “The powers that have operated the United States forgot what the American man was capable of, and yes, American women, too, but it’s the men who have allowed themselves to be ground into nothing and that’s the problem. We’re in a war and we’re losing. We need individual, populist resistance, groups of working men and women willing to strike on a moment’s notice. They say that there is no one coming to save you. That’s true, you have to save yourself and none of these big globalist corporations are going to put up a fight. I don’t know what else has to happen to trigger that survival instinct, but it hasn’t happened yet.” – T.L. Davis

I’ll take a small town any day. – “I’ve always felt blessed I was able to grow up in Troy, Alabama. Smaller towns like Troy might not have as many malls or boutiques as our country’s larger cities, but, for this Small Town Boy, they can’t be beat when it comes to tallying happy memories.” – Bill Rice Jr.

Swiss Army Knives … without the knives? – “Here’s the news we’ve all been waiting for: the iconic Swiss Army Knife will now be offered without the knife! At least in Britain. Yay! Why? To help combat the “plague of knife crime” that has afflicted the United Kingdom in recent years, of course, though that isn’t precisely how Victorinox is presenting the knifeless Swiss Army Knives.” – Eric Utter

You don’t need integrity to be an assistant US attorney and special prosecutor of President Trump – Paul Craig Roberts

Why Biden Is Consistently Pro-Israel – “You get what you pay for” – Bill Astore

Biden Spreads Hoax About Trump, Confuses World Leaders Again, and That’s Not the Worst Part – “”Remember him saying the best thing to do is just inject a little bleach in your arm? That’s what he said. And he meant it. I wish he had done a little bit himself,” Biden said. That’s despicable that he’s wishing ill on his opponent. Talk about breaking norms. Then, of course, former President Donald Trump never said any such thing. Yet, Biden keeps spreading versions of this lie and he doesn’t seem to give a darn about the truth. While Reuters covered what Biden said, they didn’t call out the Biden hoax. In fact, they seemed to back it up with what they said. So Reuters not only didn’t do its job of fact-checking Biden’s lie but they appeared to continue it. On top of that, while they concentrated on the hoax, Biden made a huge mistake referring to Kim Jong Un as the leader of South Korea, when he tried to attack Trump.” – Nick Arama

‘Genocide Joe’ Suffers Another Mortifying Slap-Down at the United Nations – “In a clear rejection of US policies and leadership in the Middle East, the UN general assembly voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership. The western media have mostly ignored Friday’s balloting since the widely-anticipated results represent another black eye for Washington.” – Mike Whitney

Imagine That – Biden Set to Increase Chinese EV Tariffs to 100%, With Additional Section 301 Tariffs on Chinese Steel and Aluminum Imports- “There’s a hidden dimension to the Chinese EV angle that makes this claim a little dubious, On the EV issue, this tariff approach is politically duplicitous by Biden against the backdrop of massive investment in Mexico by the three largest Chinese EV automakers. Those Mexican built Chinese EV’s would pass into the USA market under current USMCA trade rules and regulations, as long as they technically meet the material origination rules. This can make tariffs against the Chinese imported EVs a moot point, because China will be making them in Mexico (North American trade agreement). China plans to pump out thousands of cheap, what I would consider semi-disposable, electric cars into the USA market. That’s why they have invested so heavily in Mexico. Keep in mind, Blackrock (a Biden benefactor investment firm) is enmeshed with this Chinese move.” – Sundance  – BIDEN TRIES TO LOOK LIKE HE’S BEING TUFF ON THE CHINESE LIKE TRUMP, WHEN HE’S ACTUALLY NOT DOING SHIT!!!

Poke the bear and find out: Here’s why the West should finally listen to Russia’s warnings – “The latest scuffle over provocations which tested Moscow’s red lines shows that simply brushing off the Kremlin won’t work anymore” – Tarik Cyril Amar

Here’s Why Russia’s Making A Fresh Push Into Ukraine’s Kharkov Region – “The five objectives that are enumerated in this piece encapsulate what Russia nowadays aims to achieve after over two years of intense proxy warfare with NATO.” – Andrew Korybko

Special Report: Russian Forces Breach Kharkov Border – ” Russia has finally launched an assault on the Kharkov region. But it’s important to clear up a lot of misconceptions about the objectives. Firstly, the assault was likely smaller than it may have sounded at first—more a recon by fire or advanced scouting party, with most of the damage being done by Russian long range fires and drones. However, it did capture half a dozen small, mostly abandoned settlements on the Ukrainian side of the border:” – Simplicius


Inside the 21st Century Gold Rush – “Eric Vazquez, a lineman for a power company in southwest Florida, says he’s holding a lot more gold than most financial advisers would recommend. Not just in his portfolio, but also in bars and coins spread between several secret locations. It is a strategy for a world that he worries is growing more chaotic. The government keeps spending beyond its means. Stock prices can crash from a tweet. Ensuring his wife and children go to bed at night in peace, Vazquez said, requires owning tangible assets, not just a claim on them through some exchange-traded fund.” – Bob Henderson – SMART MAN. IF NOT GOLD THEN SILVER!!!

Because We’re Still Not Sufficiently Indebted… – “Now the government wants your home equity” – John Rubino

Yoyo Fed and Yoyo Markets – “Once again, we have a report saying consumer sentiment is collapsing just as economists were projecting it would be continuing to float along, and once again we have a report of rising inflation, just as the Fed decided to reduce its fight against inflation by slowing down QT to save the federal government from its overwhelming debt financing burden, and once again we have an actual voting Fed official saying the Fed may have to raise rates. ” – David Haggith

The Broken Magic Trick Behind Dollar Dominance – “The total debt owed by the United States federal government has reached incredible levels. Today, the total is $34,541,727,970,599.17 – but by the time you read this article, it’ll probably be higher. I say “probably” because the debt is growing exponentially that by the time you read this, it’s quite possible that another few hundred billion have taken the total over $35 trillion.” – Peter Reagan  – SEEMS LIKE JUST THE OTHER DAY IT BROKE 33 TRILLION, THERE IS NO END IN SIGHT!!

A Dovish Fed Is Bullish for Gold and Silver – David Brady

Modern Monetary Theory, Jared Bernstein, and the Rise of TikTok Economics – “The internet recently had a joyous time mocking a young TikTok influencer who said the solution to the growing fiscal problems in the United States was simply to print more money. “USA is in debt. Everybody’s in debt. Why don’t we just print more money?” she asked. “Just get the printers going.” This kind of economic thinking is embarrassing, but perhaps it’s to be expected from a TikToker who has never studied economics or read history.” – Jon Miltimore


Emergency Preparedness for Families – “Each year, some form of disaster (either natural or manmade) occurs in various areas of the country. It may be a hurricane, winter storm, flood, train derailment, or chemical spill that can affect entire communities. Disasters affect everyone, so it is important to include your entire family when considering emergency preparedness.” – Bernie Carr

Are MREs and IMPs Worth The Cost? – Perrin Adams

Best Survival Flashlight – “The flashlight, also known as a ‘torch’ in other parts of the world, is very high on the list of things to have for any survival kit. Pretty much everyone already has one or two in the house somewhere. But what exactly is a survival flashlight, and what’s best? The challenge is, there are so many flashlights to pick from, and so many various uses.” – Ken Jorgustin

First 9 Most Dangerous Cities In The US (The Consequences Of Being In These Places Can be Devastating, If You Don’t Know What to Expect!) -Dave Jefferson  – NOT NECESSARILY THE ONES YOU THINK!!!

21 Uses for Wood Ashes – Tricia Drevets


Ecclesiastes 9:12  For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.


army knife 1army knife 2




DOCUMENTARY | AUTOMATED APARTHEID: WALKING THROUGH HEBRON SMART CITY (VIDEO) – “A silent sentinel watches over every corner in the bustling streets of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, where the ancient echoes of history collide with the modern hum of daily life. This sentinel is not a person but a network of surveillance technology known ominously as the “Hebron Smart City.” Designed by Israeli authorities, this system blankets the city in a web of cameras, sensors and even automated weapons, tracking every movement of its Palestinian residents.” – Mnar Adle  – A MUST WATCH 10 MINUTE VIDEO. FORGET ABOUT THE ISRAEL/PALESTINE CONNECTION AND THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF SMART CITIES!!!

Corporate Share Buybacks Funding The Elite Kaballahists – “Anyone making a killing on this massive DOW market? Certainly not to the tune of Pelosi’s annual 45%, but then what is really driving the market? Share buybacks to the tune of $934 billion, according to Bloomberg. When a company buys back its own stock, it’s reducing the number of shares outstanding and increasing the value of the remaining shares. Who owns those shares? BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. How many millennials are in the stock market? None. Who are the investors? The Elites.” – Helena Glass

What Cow’s Milk tells us about PCR testing – “The double standards of testing” – Carl Heneghan

The World’s Largest Floating Solar Farm Wrecked by a Storm Just Before Launch – “AL GORE please pick up the red emergency phone. What Valedictorian engineer signed off on this stupidity.- (Citizen Free Press). Anyone who has ever owned a boat, particular a large boat which gets left in the water, knows what a harsh environment the sea can be. Some kind of failure was inevitable. If it hadn’t been a storm, there are plenty of other things which could have gone wrong. Greens keep telling us we can expect more frequent and extreme superstorms – so what is the point of building vulnerable floating structures? – Eric Worrall

Drunken Student Stole Madonna Statue’s Head, Later Killed 6 Million People with a Deadly Virus He Designed – “Very Interesting Past of Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance” – Igor Chudov

Nanoplastics Linked to Heart Attacks and Stroke – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Ranchers vs. CDC: The Bird Flu Showdown – “Many farmers don’t want federal health officials on their property. By “track and contain” bird flu, of course, the postmodern Brandon regime means “bankrolling illicit gain-of-function research on bird flu in a dingy CCP lab to make it more pathogenic to humans so we can roll out Pandemic 2.0”” – Ben Bartee


“Spike from the virus is like spike from the vaccine”: this is scientific illiteracy… – ” …and it helps the biopharma-industrial complex” – Jonathan Engler and Clare Craig

C19 Uninjected Blood – Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks – “I have shown similar images now for almost 3 years. As many videos and articles I can put out, in the hopes that at some point people will get it. In the above image of 400x magnification many coalescing construction sites are seen that are building the polymer network using the blood as an energy source.” – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

New Analysis Shows Just How Bad Electric Trucks Are For Business, Consumers – “Converting America’s medium- and heavy-duty trucks to electric vehicles (EVs) following goals from the Biden administration would add massive costs to commercial trucking, according to a new analysis released Wednesday.” – Will Kessler





Dancing Oven Babies “No wailing wall photo, no pushing atrocity propaganda, no destroying your first amendment for ‘anti-semitism,’ no AIPAC shekels, no re-election, and those tapes of you with kiddies get released. “If you want to make me fu**ing hate the people you want me to like, keep doing this, keep telling me you’re going to put me in fu**ing jail, in this case for an opinion I didn’t even hold. You motherfu**ers. — Based Scott Adams” ” – The Good Ctizen  – GOOD READ AND GOOD VIDEO FROM THE GOOD CITIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Strategized Civil Unrest Staged Across the World – “Protestors throughout the West are protesting on behalf of Palestine in a deliberate effort to destabilize national politics. Greta Thunberg, a girl with no knowledge of war or science, took part in a Swedish pro-Palestinian protest that attracted a group of up to 12,000. These events are clearly staged when they use a famous social justice warrior to promote the event.” – Martin Armstrong

When Opposing Genocide Is Seen As Radical, Radicalism Becomes A Moral Imperative – Caitlin Johnstone

Carnival Rides – “The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent. The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by cancelling your freedom of speech, pounding you into bankruptcy, and stealing whatever remains of your stuff. Likewise, everything else, namely: that our doings in Ukraine are a “fight for freedom,” that “white supremacy” lurks just out of sight getting ready to pounce on the “marginized” (who are actually running things, and doing it very badly), that “Joe Biden” turned around the economy, that “voting rights” equals non-citizens getting to vote, that election fraud is a “big lie” (and that the J-6 riot over it was an “insurrection”), and that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective.” None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, ” – James Howard Kunstler

The Proof of Censorship is…Censored – “The machine has been built and put into action over nearly a decade but largely in secret. The goal has always been to advance regime narratives and curate the public mind. And yet, based on its operations and insofar as we can tell, it had every intention of remaining secret. This is for a reason. A systematic effort by government to bully private sector companies into a particular narrative while suppressing dissent contradicts American law and tradition.” – Jeffrey A. Tucker

Replacement theory? Joe Biden calls illegals ‘Hispanic voters’ – “Someone ought to ask Joe Biden about his latest Freudian slip: President Biden appeared to accidentally refer to Hispanic migrants as “voters” during an interview on a Spanish-speaking radio show released Tuesday. Of course he’s bringing them in to make them into Democrat voters. Meanwhile, as Biden waxes falsely about illegals improving the economy, Democrats have kept up with the ‘Hispanic voters’ vision quite literally. Just yesterday, they quashed a bill in the House to require states to verify citizenship of voters before registering them:” – Monica Showalter

Illegal Aliens Fly the Friendly Skies with Arrest Warrants as ID – “The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is tasked with keeping travel safe for Americans and foreign visitors. TSA agents will make you take off your shoes, whip out a very friendly wand to search one’s most personal space, and then haul off the unsuspecting grandmother for further interrogation when rifling through luggage reveals a pair of knitting needles. So, a critical-thinking person might ask why illegal aliens coming through airports aren’t required to meet the same ID requirements as citizens. In fact, the TSA has been allowing illegal aliens to fly the friendly skies using arrest warrants to verify identity.” – Sarah Cowgill

Why does Western establishment and its media lackeys hate Russia and Putin so much? And how much will the West risk in an effort to depose ‘Modern Hitler’ – “It’s time we stop the charade and get to the bottom of this. Is Putin really a modern Hitler trying to take over Europe and potentially the world? If not, what is the real reason he is so hated?” – Leo Hohmann

UFOs Go Mainstream – “High-level stories by US members of congress of long-standing, illicit government retrieval of UFOs, backward engineering, and cover-ups are now regularly stirring up congress.” – David Haggith

Major Fee Hike To Hit Californians’ Monthly Utility Bills – “The change approved Thursday forces California utility customers to pay a monthly fee on top of their electricity rate. The approved plan requires most residents to pay an additional $24 per month — roughly $300 per year — in addition to what they use in electricity.” – Miranda Ceja

There’s a careful plan behind Xi’s European tour – “China wants to preserve and strengthen its foothold in and around the EU and is investing diplomatic effort where it is worth it” – Timur Fomenko

A tale of Two Sovereigns, a Lackey and a Nanny – “Inevitably, this is a contrasting tale of Sovereigns – the comprehensive Russia-China strategic partnership – and lackeys: the NATOstan/EU vassals. Xi, the quintessential hermetic guest, is quite sharp at reading a table – and we’re not talking about Gallic gastronomic finesse. The minute he sat at the Paris table he got the Big Picture. This was not a tete-a-tete with Le Petit Roi, Emmanuel Macron. This was a threesome because Toxic Medusa Ursula von der Leyen, more appropriately defined as Pustula von der Lugen, had inserted herself in the plot.” – Pepe Escobar






Why There is No Noticeable Benefit from the Fed’s Policies – David Stockman

Under The Radar: Hundreds Of U.S. Banks At Risk Of Failing – The Liberal Mainstream Media Is Hiding Multiple ‘Bidenomics’ News Stories That Could Negatively Affect Every American – Susan Duclos

What You Must Know About Interest Rates – ” As the last of the stimulus is consumed and wasted away, a great reckoning awaits. What will happen when the labor market rolls over and debt overloaded consumers lose their jobs? We may soon find out. In fact, longtime market analyst Gary Shilling sees a recession coming by the end of the year, with unemployment rising up to 7 percent. He also believes stocks, which have been driven higher by speculation, could drop as much as 30 percent. And that the decline could be violent.” – MN Gordon

Bear squeeze in silver and gold resumes – “Gold and silver had a better week, with gold up $67 from last Friday’s close at $2369 in European trading this morning, and silver at $28.60 up $2.10 over the same time frame. Most of the action was yesterday (Thursday) when a poor US jobless claims number sent gold and silver higher, and bond yields lower.” – Alasdair Macleod

As the Dollar Falters, Gold Becomes Insurance, Not Speculation – ““People are using gold as an ATM they never had,” said store owner Gene Furman. At King Gold, fifty-five-year-old Mirsa Vijil pawned a bracelet to pay her gas bill. “Gold is high,” she said, adding she’d never pawned her jewelry before but will do it again if she needs to. Adrian Ash, director of research at online gold investment service BullionVault says there is twice as much selling as a year ago on BullionVault’s platform. “People are very happy to take this price.”” – Douglas French

Our Favorite Recession Indicator: Next Recession Keeps Moving Further Out – “It’s time again to look at the trends in claims for unemployment insurance benefits.” – Wolf Richter

New Taxes Proposed by White House as Inflation Rages – Mike Gleason




The Most Valuable Skills That Will Be In High Demand After The Collapse – Dan Mowinski – HAVE LINKED SIMILAR ONES BEFORE, HERE’S A GOOD ONE FROM DAN!!

12 Proven Ways to Boost Garden Harvests – “Whether you have been gardening for decades or are planning your very first garden, every gardener has one thing in common: You want to enjoy a bountiful harvest. This article explores some tried and true tips for boosting your yield this year – and maintaining healthier plants at the same time.” – Tricia Drevets

How to know you’re in danger in a crisis – “When it comes to prepping and survivalism, I’m a straight shooter, and I like to tell people the truth about these topics. I believe being honest is the way to go because you avoid creating high hopes and expectations for those new to these “lifestyles.” That being said, let’s have a difficult conversation. One of the topics I’ve raised during my meetings with other fellow preppers is, “Who dies first?” I’ve heard a lot of opinions, and here is my list of who goes first when the brown stuff hits the fan.” – Bob Rodgers

9 Things Not to Do in a Widespread Civil Unrest – Charl M

How To Find An Underground Water Source On Your Property – “Groundwater is the lifeblood of a homestead ecosystem. This precious resource, formed through the water cycle, is stored in underground aquifers – chambers within the earth’s crust. On a homestead, you may encounter different types of aquifers, including unconfined, confined, and perched varieties, each with its own unique characteristics and implications for water availability. The abundance of groundwater on your property is heavily influenced by factors such as the local geology, precipitation patterns, and overall landscape.” – Michael B




Matthew 18:15    Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.









Wings, Prayers and Hooplas – “Yep. The hooplas will kill us. If the wars don’t….I do so wish “they’d” leave us all alone for a change. We don’t much like them. We tried. But we don’t. And we won’t.” – Sylvia Shawcross  – GOOD ONE FROM SYLVIA!!!!

The Net Zero juggernaut grinds relentlessly onwards – “Did you know that there is an Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change? Hardly anyone does. But there is such a thing,” – John Constable

New “Guide” Teaches UK MPs to Spot “Conspiracy Theories” – “In short, it’s all a rather incestuous funding pool of the same handful of tech giants and billionaires paying “experts” to tell them what they want to hear. But we probably shouldn’t judge until we’ve read the “guide” itself, which is tricky because it doesn’t seem to be publicly available (seriously I looked everywhere, if you’re aware of a copy online post it in the comments and we’ll add it the link here). Fortunately, our old friends at the Guardian have given us a little taste” – Kit Knightly

How Ivermectin Trials Were Designed to Fail – “Despite the proven efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19, some studies in top-tier journals have concluded otherwise. Which data should we trust?” – 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

BOMBSHELL: Google (and YouTube) funded COVID-19 bioweapon development, study reveals – “Keep in mind that Google, as Winters also points out, heavily censored the “lab leak” theory of COVID when it first started to circulate. Perhaps Google was trying to protect itself from being implicated in the bioweapon’s development? It turns out that Google has been a silent partner of Daszak and EcoHealth for the better part of 14 some-odd years at least.” – Ethan Huff

FrankenSkies: The chemtrail agenda and its impact on all life on Earth – Rhoda Wilson

Be careful what you wish for: Technology is about to crush us all — if we let it – “Is new Apple ad titled ‘Crush’ an example of Luciferian technocrats informing us of their sick plans for humanity?” – Leo Hohmann

Planned Parenthood’s latest report shows the sickening truth about its atrocities against the unborn – “Planned Parenthood brags about killing more than 390,000 children in its latest annual report and spends more than 70% of the document promoting the murder of the unborn – which allows it to fill its coffers with blood money.” – Susan Ciancio  – HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT CULLING THE POPULATION!!!!!!!!!

Biden’s Regulatory Blitz On Appliances Will Make Life More Expensive, Experts Claim – Nick Pope


You’re an “Anti”! – “When a Leftist or a Rightist wants you to shut up he tries to make you ashamed. He will accuse you of being “anti” whatever it isn’t. “Anti” meaning opposed to, of course. Except not really. The political meaning of this prefix encompasses other meanings. If, for example, you are opposed to a policy (any policy) or action (any action) of the government of Israel, then you are “anti-Semitic” in the eyes of the Right, which has become what you might call philo-Semitic – that is to say, an unconditional lover of the policies and actions of the Israeli government and its willing accomplices embedded in the government of the United States. In neither case does the “anti” necessarily dislike or oppose people who are Jewish. Just the same as people who dislike their minor children being exposed to men dressed as women twerking in front of them in school are not afraid – i.e., “phobic” – of men who dress like women.” – Eric Peters

Is there a “Ferocious Surge” in Antisemitism in the U.S. Needing New Antisemitism Laws? – “If you listen to the pro-Israel Zionist lobby, led by such groups as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) with their nearly $2 million annual revenue, and AIPAC with their $300 million annual revenue, not to mention the Zionist Christian lobby led by Christians United for Israel with their $10 million annual revenue, you would think that we have a national crisis right now over anti-Jewish hate crimes that requires new legislation to “protect Jews.” When groups like this publish statements about the “ferocious surge” in antisemitism, they never actually give any hard data to back up their claims,” – Brian Shilhavy

The Anti-Zionist Inquisition – “Nobody expects The Anti-Zionist Inquisition! Yes, I’m speaking from personal experience, having recently survived a visit from the Anti-Zionist Inquisition on Twitter. As I noted in a previous column, I don’t condemn things on command, not Hamas, not Zionism, not anything, for anyone. Nor do I perform any other kind of tricks. If that’s what you’re into, get a fucking dog. My unresponsive anti-authoritarian response did not sit well with Cardinal Cudenec, so he whipped out one of the Anti-Zionist Inquisition’s most feared and most ruthlessly efficient weapons, the Online Character Assassination. “Why is CJ Hopkins now devoting all his efforts to attacking critics of the Israeli genocide?” he shrieked. Could it be that CJ Hopkins is controlled opposition? Is he now, or has he ever been, a Zionist?” – CJ Hopkins

The Golden Mean – “In 1947, Congress passed the National Security Act, marking the beginning of a transition of power from the Constitution to the intelligence services (CIA). Now, having lost adherence to the Constitution, the US has become a security state, with Congress, a uni-war party. Without the US as ‘land of the free’, the Western world—has gone mad. The function of checks and balances in the US Constitution are not widely understood by other nations, or in the United States. What is less understood is that our founding document laid down a golden mean for governance, the best governance foundation for a nation. Some Amendments to the Constitution are suspect (16/17?), but our golden mean, foundation of governance, remains the law of the land. The tyranny wants to both change and to scrap the Constitution/Bill of Rights. ” –  – GOOD READ FROM ERIK ONCE AGAIN!!!!

The Deep State Exposed Itself- “As I’ve watched the political Uniparty and administrative Deep State conspire to destroy Donald Trump over the last eight years, a tinge of optimism has taken root inside me. Not only have his tormentors been unsuccessful, but also a growing share of the population see the attacks against him as un-American, vindictive, and dangerous. There is a heightened social awareness that D.C. is filled with corrupt people who operate the tentacles of government solely for their own benefit and enrichment.” – J.B. Shurk

Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms – “The spirit of the Constitution, drafted by men who chafed against the heavy-handed tyranny of an imperial ruler, would suggest that one’s home is a fortress, safe from almost every kind of intrusion. Unfortunately, a collective assault by the government’s cabal of legislators, litigators, judges and militarized police has all but succeeded in reducing that fortress—and the Fourth Amendment alongside it—to a crumbling pile of rubble. We are no longer safe in our homes, not from the menace of a government and its army of Peeping Toms who are waging war on the last stronghold of privacy left to us as a free people.” – John & Nisha Whitehead

Where is the POTUS? Posted – “One of the president’s primary roles is to ensure that all of Washington is working collectively, but our current president is nowhere to be found. Joe Biden has addressed the public on fewer occasions than any other president in the past four decades.” – Martin Armstrong

The Mass Exodus To “Red America” – “In recent years we have literally seen millions of Americans relocate from blue states to red states. In some cases, there is simply a desire to be around other like-minded people. In other cases, specific political policies that have been enacted in certain states have motivated large numbers of people to relocate. This was particularly true during the pandemic.” – Michael Snyder

Illegals in Denver issue the city a list of 13 ‘demands’ for services – “But these jackasses, who are in the U.S. illegally and abusing the asylum system by filing phony asylum claims and clogging up the system, are now feeling high and mighty and aggrieved enough to start issuing demands of the city. These guys don’t even have a right to be in this country, yet here we are, illegals issuing demands to city officials for what they want, how they want it, and if officials don’t play ball, they’ll stay where they are, stinking up the joint and ruining Denver residents’ quality of life.” – Monica Showalter  – AND THEY WILL PROBABLY GET WHAT THEY WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Foreign Migrants Account For Nearly 6 in 10 Violent Crime Suspects in Germany – “Despite only comprising 14.6 per cent of the population.” – Paul Joseph Watson

Biden Straps On Temporary Spine – “No More “Offensive” Weapons to Israel if the IDF Invades Rafah? No U.S. politician has accepted more money from Israeli lobbies over his career than Joe Biden. No U.S. president has kowtowed more obsequiously to the Israeli government. Yet Biden is learning that even the mildest steps to slow genocide in Gaza are unacceptable to Israel.” – Bill Astore

Look At His Face! Biden Denies Economic Reality In Car Crash CNN Interview – “He’s acting as if he’s hearing this economic data for the first time” – Steve Watson

US, Russia lock horns in Niger – M. K. Bhadrakumar

The US’ Partial Arms Embargo On Israel Is Aimed At Pressuring It Into A Regional Peace Deal – “Basically, the US wants to kill three birds with one stone by bringing an end to this war for domestic electoral reasons, facilitating Bibi’s departure from office, and brokering an Israeli-Saudi peace deal for restoring its lost regional influence.” – Andrew Korybko

Antifa Members Provoking Violence on College Campuses Exposed as Same ‘Professional Agitators’ Involved in 2020 BLM Riots – Frank Bergman

The mainstream media retains power for a reason – “Most people reading this understand the issues with the mainstream media. We all know they’re biased and they’re not really even pretending not to be anymore. Instead, they talk about how it’s a moral obligation for them to determine the truth, not just report the facts. It might not seem like that big of a deal until you realize that they believe their perception of things is the complete and absolute truth.” – Tom Knighton


The Reality of Economic Collapse, and Why Skeptics Deny It – “In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of dwindling employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like? As I have said for years, an economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. When people think of a historic crisis they imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. There were even a handful of economists that voiced concerns about impending chaos, yet, they were ignored.” – Brandon Smith  – ANOTHER GOOD ECONOMIC ARTICLE FROM BRANDON, SEE YESTERDAY’S LINK AS WELL. HE’S ON A ROLL!!!


Strong Economy? Think Again – “It should be evident by now that the “strong” economy of the last several years was nothing of the kind. To the contrary, the Keynesian GDP accounts were actually inflated by deferred spending runoffs that flowed from the utterly abnormal buildup of household cash during Washington’s pandemic lockdowns and stimmy extravaganza.” – David Stockman

Hospitals Turn to Pay In Advance, In Full – “If you are in the hospital emergency room, and that’s where most people without insurance go, then you get treated. Otherwise, many hospitals are turning to pay in advance for services.” – Mish

To Prevent a Banking Crisis, the FED Must Cut – “In 2009, 140 banks failed, and a recent report from financial consulting firm Klaros Group says that hundreds of banks are at risk of going under this year.” – Schiff Gold

The Fed Has Made a Crucial Mistake… What Does That Mean For Stocks? – Graham Summers, MBA

‘A crisis is about to happen’: $929 billion in commercial real estate debt is about to come due — will America’s regional banks survive the storm? – “Entrepreneur Tom Ellsworth believes “a crisis is about to happen” in the U.S. banking system — and there are two competing issues battering the foundation. One-fifth, or $929 billion, of the $4.7 trillion of outstanding commercial mortgages held by U.S. lenders and investors will come due in 2024, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. This spells trouble for America’s small- and medium-sized commercial banks and private mortgage lenders feeling the strain of America’s high interest rate environment.” – Bethan Moorcraft

Gold bars are selling like hot cakes in Korea’s convenience stores and vending machines – “A variety of finger-nail sized gold bars weighing between 0.1 gram and 1.87 gram have been up for sale at CU outlets since the start of April. A 1.87 gram bar sells for 225,000 won ($165.76) and a 0.5 gram bar sells for 77,000 won.” – Lee Ying Shan  – AT 77,000 WON FOR 0.5 GRAM YOU WOULD BE PAYING ALMOST $3200 AN OUNCE. PRETTY NICE MARK UP AT 2,335 AN OUNCE AT TODAY’S PRICE!!!!!!


How to Make Your Own Lunch Meat – “Making your own lunch meat is a great way to make meat last longer and save a LOT of money at the grocery store. Here’s how to do it.” – 1stMarineJarHead

How I Take Care of My 100-Year-Old Cast Iron Cookware – Eric Beuning

How to Hand Pollinate Zucchini and Squash to Prevent End Rot, Increase Yields – Deanna Talerico  – WORKS ON CUKES, MELONS, AND PUMPKINS AS WELL!!!!

How To Make a Snare Trap With Snare Wire – “When it comes to wilderness survival, getting your hands on enough food is challenging. But no matter where you are, chances are pretty good there will be some variety of small game that can be caught.” – Tom Marlowe

People Used to Eat These During Famines – C. Davis  – AMAZING WHAT IS ACTUALLY EDIBLE THAT YOU DON’T THINK ABOUT!!!


Proverbs 6:2    Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.


charged 3




Here We Go Again: Gretchen Whitmer admin issues emergency executive order over avian influenza – “Previous use of unilateral power resulted in lockdowns, business closures, mandated masks. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has declared an “extraordinary animal health emergency” and imposed “the most comprehensive measures in the country” to combat highly pathogenic avian influenza.” – The Midwesterner Staff

The WHO’s plan for public-health tyranny – “Unelected officials want the power to drag us back into lockdown. The World Health Organisation’s proposal for a global ‘pandemic treaty’ has been a political and public-relations disaster. When elected representatives around the world highlighted that the plans pose a clear threat to national decision-making autonomy, the WHO director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, went on the offensive. Using the global stage of the World Governments Summit in February this year, he accused those raising concerns of spreading a ‘litany of lies and conspiracy theories’.” – Molly Kingsley

Vets Co-Opted – “Our dog needs flea meds – so I went to the vet yesterday to get them. The vet would not sell me the flea meds he used to sell me unless I first brought our dog in for an “exam,” which is akin to the way (in most states) you’re effectively forced to bring in your car for an “exam” – styled “safety inspection” – before the government will continue to allow you to (legally) drive it. Our dog is fine. He needs an “exam” like our cars need an “inspection.” All being in good working order. What the vet – and the government – need is money. The “exam” – and “inspection” – being the pretext for coercing us to pay it.” – Eric Peters – I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT ERIC IS TALKING ABOUT AS WELL AS DO MOST PET OWNERS. MORE CONTROL OR OUR LIVES IN EVERYTHING WE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The WaPo Sinks Even Lower, Falsely Reports On Southern Coastal Sea Level Rise – “The Washington Post (WaPo) ran a story recently saying that sea level rise has become unprecedented on the East and Southeast coasts of the United States. The story is extremely misleading when not outright false. WaPo fails to explain that the areas it highlights are naturally unstable with their shores waxing and waning regularly.” – Anthony Watts

The difficult conversation we need to have – “In the Covid debacle, all roads lead back to capital. “How can we have the virtues of capital (dynamism, growth, entrepreneurship, speed/efficiency, unbridled human creativity, and prosperity) without the corruption of capital (monopolies, slavery, war, genocide, oppression, and fascism)?” That’s what no one has figured out.” – Toby Rogers  – GOOD POINTS FROM TOBY AS USUAL!!!

Truest Crime – “A deep dive into the sociopathy of the Opioid Crisis.” – Matt Bivens, M.D.   – EXCELLENT READ!!!

Rifle-Armed Robot Dogs Now Being Tested By Marine Special Operators – “MARSOC is using robotic dogs equipped with remote weapon stations to detect targets automatically before being given approval to fire.” – Howard Altman and Oliver Parken  – IF THE MILITARY HAS THESE EXPECT THE MILITARIZED POLICE TO HAVE THEM SOON AS WELL!!!!!!

“Ask Your Doctor About Best Ways to EscapeHarmful Effects of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Health” – ” They missed Way #1…” – Andreas Oehler

Pfizer CEO: Cancer Is ‘New COVID,’ Stock Bonanza Ensues – “COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. White House still blaming brutal inflation on COVID” – Ben Bartee





So That’s Who’s Screwing Everything Up – “Of the elites, by the elites, for the elites… The Elite 1%. They represent 1% of the population. They’re extremely influential. Most went to one of 12 elite schools, many of which have been in the news lately. The reason I bring that up is about half of the policy positions in government, and half of the corporate board positions in America are held by people who went to one of these schools. So their views play a large role in the country.” – John Rubino

Reflections from the Heart of the Empire: Perfidy, Gaslighting, and Silliness – “Warning: Dangerous levels of satire may be present” – Ohio Barbarian

Brazen election interference: Illinois Democrats retroactively change law to knock out Republican challengers. Surely, lawsuits must follow. – Mark Glennon  -LINKED ABOUT CORRUPT ILLINOIS MONDAY AS WELL!!!

It’s Not “Radical” to Oppose Genocide – “Apologists for the Israeli government and its genocidal policies are now warning us about “radicalized” college and university students. Apparently, it’s “radical” to protest genocide, famine, and ceaseless bombing. Contrariwise, it’s apparently “normal” to support mass murder, total destruction, and widespread starvation. Talk about a world turned upside down … Of course, it’s only “radical” to oppose genocide if you live in a totalitarian state that’s prosecuting that genocide or aiding others in prosecuting it.” – Bill Astore

The beast of ideology lifts the lid on transformation – “The police repression of student protests exposes sheer intolerance towards those voicing condemnation against the violence in Gaza.” – Alastair Crooke

Biden And Aides Laugh At Reporters Trying To Ask Questions – “Not even hiding it anymore” – Steve Watson

The Looming Chaos – “The main reason Trump continues to move toward the Republican nomination and a general election rematch is he is blessed with the best enemies. The two Federal court cases are now stalled indefinitely. In both cases, the reason for the delay is the chief inquisitor appointed by the Biden administration is proving to be an incompetent fanatic who cannot stop lying to the court. In the most recent example, he was forced to admit the FBI tampered with evidence and lied about it. …the deranged Jack Smith thought he could get into a street fight with a guy who prefers street fights. In the fullness of time, Jack Smith will be remembered as one of Trump’s dumbest adversaries. The guy has managed to turn the power of the Federal government into a liability.” – The Z Man

Trump Wins Calendar Victory in Classified Documents Case – “Donald Trump beat the clock with one Biden/Garland prosecution.” – Scott D. Cosenza, Esq.  – ARE ALL THESE CLOWN CASES STARTING TO BACKFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stormy Daniels Day: Alvin Bragg Lights Dumpster Fire in Manhattan – “It was a dumpster fire that Judge Merchan watched burn for a full day and then said the jury may have to disregard much of what they saw and heard.” – Jonathan Turley

CNN Raises Alarm after Stormy Daniels Admits She ‘Hates’ Trump during Testimony: ‘Her Responses Were Disastrous!’ – “Daniels’ testimony is filled with inflammatory statements that are not relevant to the case. Even Juan Merchant, the Biden donor Democrat judge overseeing the case, admitted he was struggling to keep Daniels under control.” – Frank Bergman

Private US Firm With Special Forces Veterans To Take Control Of Rafah Border Crossing – “US defense contractors & boots on the ground?” – Tyler Durden

Putin Is Letting It Get Too Late to Turn Aside from Nuclear Armageddon – “The Russian government including President Putin now publicly acknowledges that Western provocations are increasing in scope and seriousness and are spinning the Ukrainian conflict out of control. The Russian government has stated that the American F-16 aircraft supplied to Ukraine by the idiotic governments of Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, and Belgium will “be treated as nuclear-capable weapons.” These developments confirm that I was correct that Putin’s never-ending conflict would permit ever increasing Western interventions until the situation spins out of control. As Putin has never enforced any of his many red lines that the West has crossed in Ukraine, the West no longer regards Russian warnings as meaningful.” – Paul Craig Roberts

Russia Has No Interest In Assassinating Zelensky – “It isn’t Russia that has an interest in assassinating Zelensky, but he himself who has an interest in making the West think that it does, to say nothing of the West’s most hawkish anti-Russian policymaking faction that understands the political importance of him being “martyred” in the present military-strategic context.” – Andrew Korybko

Crunching Numbers: Ukraine Munitions “Ramp-up” Buzz, Real or Hype? – Simplicius

The Insanity of the Regime Changers – “If the only way to “win” is regime change in two countries, that tells us that winning is not a realistic goal. Kasparov calls for more regime changes in The Wall Street Journal: The only way to win this long war is through regime change in Moscow and Tehran. Such change will be brought closer by isolating Russia and Iran politically and economically and by halting their foreign aggression. Kasparov’s argument is deranged, but it is useful in reminding us how extreme and dangerous this worldview is. If hardliners like Kasparov had their way, they would unleash chaos and instability unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetimes.” – Daniel Larison





The “Soft Landing” Lie: A Global Economic Slowdown Is Already Underway – “If people have learned anything from the past few years of Ivy League elites and TV talking heads feeding them economic predictions, I hope they finally understand that the “experts” are usually wrong and that alternative analysts have a far better track record. Whenever establishment economists make a a call the opposite generally turns out to be true. By extension, alternative economic predictions are usually well ahead of the curve – What we talk about might be labeled “doom mongering” or “conspiracy theory” today. In three years or less it will be treated as common knowledge and the mainstream “experts” will claim that they “saw it coming all along” while taking credit for financial calls they never made. This has been a long running pattern and it’s something those of us in the alternative media have come to expect.” – Brandon Smith  – GOOD ONE FROM BRANDON AS ALWAYS!!


Does Powell’s Plan End in Fire or Ice? – “Would you believe … BOTH! One major investor and one major economist, both of whom predicted the Great Recession crash, give the Fed an “F” for its inflation fight and an “F” for where it is taking the economy.” – David Haggith

The Movement of Gold From West to East Is a Shift in Power Chinese Gold Could Set Stage to Undermine the Dollar – Mike Maharrey

Used Car Prices Continue Historic Plunge, Wholesale Prices Gave up 59% of Crazy Pandemic Spike – Wolf Richter – STILL WELL ABOVE WHAT THEY SHOULD BE!!!!

Peter Schiff Debates: You Don’t Need to Reinvent the Wheel with Gold (VIDEO) – “On Friday, Peter participated in an exhilarating debate over the merits of gold and Bitcoin. Professor of economics Nouriel Rabini joined Peter to debate Erik Voorhees and Anthony Scaramucci, two proponents of Bitcoin.” – Schiff Gold




Considerable Preparedness For The Rest Of This Year And Beyond – “There is no lack of reasons to become better prepared, especially now. In fact, there is a near-overwhelming number of reasons to get ready. Although for the most part, you cannot do anything about the causation of these risks, or have a meaningful impact on the momentum of these risks, you absolutely can prepare for them.” – Ken Jorgustin  – GOOD READ FROM KEN!!!

When Family Comes for Survival – “The truth of the matter is that it will be very hard to say “No!” to family members or even friends, should they come knocking on our doors during a time of crisis.” – Bill White

Best Vegetables For Bucket Gardening – Part II – “Welcome to the second part of our bucket gardening adventure! In this section, we dive deeper into the world of container gardening, exploring a diverse array of vegetables that thrive in confined spaces. From fiery chilies to crunchy carrots, each chapter is a journey into the possibilities of cultivating delicious and nutritious crops right on your doorstep.” – Rhonda Owen  – PART ONE WAS LINKED ON 4/29/24!!!

5+ Terrific Tomato Trellis Ideas for Easy Harvesting – Laurie Neverman

The Final Straw: How The World Could Change In 7 Days When Lights Off (An Article Explained in Detail by the Experts!) – Dave Jefferson




Colossians 4:5-6    Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.  Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.






Crush the Flu d’État – “Furthermore, please note that the WHO is absolutely not “who” they say they are. By the WHO’s own accounting, the single largest contributor to its coffers is Bill Gates. The Gates Foundation and Gates-controlled GAVI provide over 20% of the WHO’s funding. Finally, recognize that after making its mildly watered-down revisions, the WHO is breaking its own rule that requires a 4-month minimum period before member countries vote on new proposals. Despite the revisions, the WHO is insisting on the original May 2024 deadline. The WHO is evidently in a great hurry to rush its latest lipstick-coated pig to market.” – Clayton J. Baker, MD

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech (VIDEO) – “Bill says these mRNA shots can easily be programmed to administer any type of spike protein pathogen. And the Moderna patent lists several. Over a hundred pathogens that can be control released over time so that deaths will appear to be random and mysterious.” – Greg Reese

There was no COVID pandemic – “Not that you would have noticed if it weren’t for the morons in govt and mass media.” – Joel Smalley

The bold and audacious retrograde amnesia experiment – “The Indoctrinated Brain.The spike protein is, of course, at the frontline of this strategy. It not only increases the inflammatory release of IL-6 that, when chronic, reduces hippocampal volume and damages neurogenesis and thus autobiographical memory, but also increases TNF-⍺ and IL-β to the same effect. Cull the available index neurons people have available, give them something to be really worried about and that will stick in their memories, and parts of the old index will be given up to index these new memories. Marry these new memories with other stupid stuff that’s going on, like transgenderism, and you start to re-shape a person’s memory of the world, themselves, and reality itself.” -Winston Smith  – GOOD READ FROM WINSTON!!!

5G Technocratic Surveillance and the United Nations – “The real story behind the push for dangerous new technologies. The 5G Agenda is Much Bigger Than Mobile Data Connection Speeds” – Jesse Smith

Scientists create new coronavirus jab that even works on viruses they haven’t discovered yet in a bid to beat the next pandemic – “The jab can protect against several coronaviruses already circulating in bats” – Rebecca Whittaker  – GEE, AN ALL IN ONE JAB. HOW CONVENIENT AND IT EVEN WORKS ON VIRUSES THAT DON’T EXIST YET. HOW IS THAT, AMAZING! TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further evidence that treatable pneumonia was significantly under-diagnosed in the covid era – Jonathan Engler .

COVID Vaccine Injuries: Is Permission Space Growing To Discuss It In The Mainstream? – “We can see here that the New York Times piece was addressing the subject while also minimizing it. But why did the New York Times write this piece? What was the author thinking? Do they truly think the number of vaccine injured is just “thousands?” or is this what the NYT chose to write because they know they’d get crushed if they wrote “hundreds of thousands” or “millions?”” – Joe Martino  – INTERESTING TAKE ON THIS FROM JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn’t know the Depopulation Cult was this big. – Bill Rice Jr.


Reichstag fired up? – “Big-hobgoblin: menacing the population for power and profit . We have money to settle the very folks we’re proclaiming a terror threat into our own cities all while funding the other side in the war that’s making them furious, but not to secure the border? Interesting set of priorities. This starts to smell like the Berlin fire department publicly fretting about the Reichstag building while the government store down the street is having a 2 for 1 sale on molotov cocktails.” – El Gato Malo

WW3 Watch – “The first week of May has brought fresh worries that the war in Ukraine will lead to the third and final world war. On Twitter, “WW3” has been trending on and off as various rumors hit the system. Currently, the driver is statements from Russia that any attacks on Russia by Western troops operating in Ukraine will be viewed as an attack by that country on Russia, which means war.” – The Z Man

Choosing Your Immigrants – “In the 18th century, America was made up primarily of people who, of necessity, had had to work hard. Had they not taken full responsibility for their own welfare, there was no one else to do it for them and they would have starved. As this was the case, anyone who did arrive on American shores who was unwilling to work and wanted others to provide for him, could expect to find no sympathy and might well starve. In the 21st century, immigrants in large numbers were again encouraged to come in. However, unlike in the 19th century, they were not encouraged on the basis of starting at the bottom, often living in poor conditions, receiving no entitlements and competing for even menial jobs. Quite the contrary. They not only were guaranteed welfare, schooling and housing, they would not be required to work at all and, if they committed crimes, they were likely to be released without prosecution. They, in fact, were afforded privileges above that of American citizens.” – Jeff Thomas

Why Israel is the one thing you can’t protest against in Western universities – “The American university crowd didn’t seem to mind too much when the state was ushering in authoritarian green policies under the dodgy pretext of reducing the temperature of the planet. Or when campuses were banning right-wing speakers. Or when everyone was being forced to comply with their ‘revolution’ over personal pronoun usage. Or when unvaccinated fellow students were being banned from campus during the Covid-19 fiasco.” – Rachel Marsden

No Part of the Constitution is Safe from the US Congress – “Most members of the United Sates Congress repeatedly and, it seems, without a second thought vote for legislation that violates the restraints imposed by the US Constitution. It has been this way for many years. Lately, even the mechanics laid out in the Constitution for the process by which the government operates are coming under attack in Congress. ” – Adam Dick

How To Fire a Commissar – “A story told through charts: how the administrative state makes us poorer, dumber, and sicker. What happens when our institutions become filled with useless and oftentimes toxic administrators? Our country gets dumber and sicker, Idiocracy style. We need to do to our education and healthcare systems what Elon did to Twitter.” – Yuri Bezmenov

America First or Israel First? Ask Trump – “Is Trump one of us – or is he one of Them? Hakeem Jeffries has gone on record claiming the Democrats are running Congress despite a Republican majority. In essence stating that there are no republicans in Congress – they are team Uniparty with meaningless labels to blindly appease constituents. The only distinguishing characteristic is the fact that Team Uniparty and every NGO intel parity organization is vying to destroy Trump. The Victim. The Cartel thrives on gaining new members via very profitable guaranteed best seller book deals – and blackmail. Could Trump be blackmailed into supporting the same Cartel that wants to take him down?” – Helena Glass

Six Reasons Why Tulsi Gabbard Is Donald Trump’s Best Choice as a Running Mate – “Will Gabbard help Trump more in 2024 than Pence did in 2016? I think the answer is an unequivocal yes. ” – Richard Truesdell

Bernie Sanders wants to raise your prescription costs – “It just goes to show you: you can’t trust anyone in Washington — not even the gentlemen many casual political onlookers believe is one the country’s most foremost defenders of the middle class. ” – Dr. Ben Tapper

Flashback: When Newt Gingrich Demanded Internet Censorship For Terror War – “The neocon faction of the permanent ruling class, which permeates both parties, is eternally dangerous and must be perpetually kept in check, if not purged entirely. The year was 2006, in the middle of a decade that cemented my hate for the state, probably forever. The terror induced by government’s War of Terror propaganda was at its apex.” – Ben Bartee

Michel Chossudovsky on the Hiroshima Nagasaki Dress Rehearsal (VIDEO) – “We talk about the original, genocidal plan of the US War Department for a genocidal nuclear slaughter of the Soviets, how that plan has continued to the present day, the existential threat of nuclear holocaust and the prospects for an anti-war movement that can actually stand up to the military-industrial complex.” – The Corbett Report

Russia Hopes To Influence Ukraine’s Possibly Impending US-Backed Regime Change Process – “The purpose is to create a political environment that would be more conducive to a sustainable peace in the scenario that Russia breaks through the front lines, Ukrainians rise up against Zelensky after he clings to power on legally dubious pretexts, and a new American-installed regime resumes peace talks.” – Andrew Korybko

Russia responds to ‘provocative statements and threats’ by Western officials about sending troops into Ukraine with nuclear drills and threats of its own – “Russian troops are sitting at the doorstep of victory in Ukraine, whose forces look just weeks away from collapsing given the current situation on the ground. But Western globalists are talking tougher than ever and threatening Russia with new forms of direct military warfare from the West. Don’t believe for a second that our Western puppet leaders will let go of their anti-Russia, anti-Putin crusade — they’re too far in, have too much invested, and there’s simply too much money to be made by their financial benefactors.” – Leo Hohmann


Withdrawing from the Rat Race Is Going Global – “Mere mortals are left in a hopeless situation. In response, they’re withdrawing from the competition en masse. The “growth” and “progress” narratives hold that everything is getting better in every way and every day–next stop, Mars!–but if we consider everyday life, a much different picture emerges.” – Charles Hugh Smith

GET OUT OF THIS SLAVE SYSTEM… TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK! Important Updates. (VIDEO) – Gregory Mannarino

An Enormous Chunk Of The U.S. Population Is Either Homeless, Living In Poverty Or Considered To Be Among The Working Poor – Michael Snyder

The Village Is Run by Idiots – “That’s why it takes a whole village to raise one child. The proof that we are run by idiots starts with Jerome Powell from last week. Following Powell’s Post-FOMC presser, believe it or not, we actually find even worse idiots in the news today. Powell has had months now to figure out that labor is only tight because labor isn’t available. Harder to understand is how he missed the 16-24 times that each of its own Federal Reserve banks reported miserable economic results. Depending on which bank you look at, the various regions have been reporting non-stop recessionary data for up to two years, and Chicago Fed data have been in the recessionary zone for two-and-a-half years, except for a single quarter in the middle that leaped out of the recession zone!” – David Haggith

A CoT and a Grain of Salt – “Once per week, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) requires that market participants submit data on their proprietary and customer positions. These surveys are then cobbled together as Commitment of Traders reports, and they are typically issued after the market close each Friday. The numbers might not even be accurate. Who’s to say that a Swap-Dealing Bank is honestly reporting its positions? As far as I know, the CFTC isn’t demanding honesty each week. Instead, they just take it on faith that the market participants are being truthful. That’s all well and good, I suppose, if there’s a history of 100% honesty in the reporting. But there isn’t! Did you know that J.P. Morgan was once fined $650,000 for deliberately submitting inaccurate and misleading information? ” – Craig Hemke

JPMorgan Chase and Its Regulators Are Hiding Dark Trading Secrets at the Largest and Riskiest U.S. Bank – Pam Martens and Russ Martens

Buffett Invests in T-bills instead of Stocks, Waits for Bad Stuff to Happen, Cash is King at 5%-plus – “When the Oracle of Omaha gets dark-ish on stocks at these prices, he isn’t taken seriously, suddenly. It’s only when he hypes stocks that everyone jumps in behind him.” – Wolf Richter

Q1 Gold Demand Strongest Since 2016 – Mike Maharrey


The Cost of Predators – “Eggs are getting to be as expensive as steak used to be – and may become unavailable – which is part of the reason why we have chickens (and ducks). They produce eggs on site. No need to go to the store – or worry about whether there’ll be anything to buy in the store. But there are some worries. One of them being predators. This time, the natural kind – unlike the government kind” – Eric Peters  – A DIFFERENT BUT GOOD ARTICLE FROM ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s What Infrastructure Neglect and Political Instability Look Like – Daniela Gonzalez

Do This Before the End of Spring – “The prepper lifestyle requires a lot of planning, and the busy times of the year can make it hard to focus on the essentials you’ll need in an SHTF scenario. Here’s a list of what to do before the end of spring to help keep you on track.” – Nancy S

Survival Medicine! SHTF Medical Considerations – “It’s a fact that you need a lot of medical supplies during a long-term disaster. Unfortunately, people vastly underestimate the amount of medical supplies they need. A good rule of thumb regarding SHTF medical considerations and long-term disasters is that you don’t have enough supplies. ” – Ash Duncan

You Should Never Keep These Livestock Together – Lyrae Willis


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18    Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing.  In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.




Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man – “No, poor old Joe isn’t running things now, nor was he back when he was “elected” and still had two neurons to rub together. Barry O’s the puppet master who’s been running the show for fifteen years now, eight overtly and seven covertly, leading the Deep State efforts against sitting President Trump and later telling senile Joe exactly what to say on notecards and teleprompters. And who could be more schizoid than the Lightbringer? He tells the world, as the self-proclaimed first black president, that Whitey is inherently and systemically racist, whether he knows it or not. And meanwhile, Barry’s half–white supremacist himself! And imagine pretending to the American public that you’re a devout Christian, and then saying that the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.” He carries on incessantly about the environment and global warming and then buys three mansions with an enormous carbon footprint, one a Hawaiian oceanfront property. Obama either thinks he personally did stop the rise of the oceans, in which case he’s delusional, or he never worried about it in the first place, in which case he’s a liar. Which is it, Barry: delusional or liar?” – Pete McArdle  – THIS SUMS UP OBAMA PERFECTLY AND WHY HE IS SUCH A BIG PLAYER IN THE BIGGER PICTURE OF THINGS!!!

Cancer ‘is our new Covid’ – Pfizer CEO – “The US pharma giant seeks to regain profits through cancer treatment drugs since the demand for its Covid-19 vaccines has plummeted. The American drug manufacturer, Pfizer, views the cancer treatment market as a new Klondike now that the Covid-19 pandemic is over and the global demand for its vaccines and Covid drugs is falling, its CEO Albert Bourla told Fox Business on May 1. The company expects to score big on “blockbuster” cancer drugs,” – RT – YEP! LET’S MAKE SOME MORE MONEY OFF OF SOME NEW DRUGS AFTER WE INFECTED EVERYBODY WITH TURBO CANCER FROM OUR COVID VACCINE. WAKE UP SHEEPLE 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of Cancers, Cures, and LNPs – “Currently, we are moving into phase 3, and before you know it, everyone will be getting injected with modified mRNA crap to ‘cure cancer.’ Now don’t get me wrong, cancer is insidious and needs to be dealt with, but as I stated in my 5-minute short, cancer is almost entirely preventable (in the case of most cancers) and thus, resources should be spent on prevention, not Stage 4 ‘cures’ based on novel gene-based pro-drugs that have a really bad safety profile as per the Covid-19 modified mRNA injectable product test run of late. Prepare for the common use of the words “cancer cure”, “personalized medicine”, and “gene therapy” as part of the new world order lexicon. They’re also going to normalize the CRISPR/Cas-9 ” – Dr. Jessica Rose

The New York Times Is Finally Talking about Covid Vaccine Injuries. Why Now? – “In the year 2024, the Times is interviewing people who say they’ve been injured by Covid vaccines and have filed federal claims. But why was the paper silent for years?” – Jon Miltimore


“*Antivirals” are the next Vaccine Op because the Scorpions have to protect the Dangerous Germs Paradigm and maintain access to your body – “*Turns out Anti-Parasitics can be Anti-Virals now 👍 The Owners have too much riding on “Wellness” and the herd culling and surveillance agendas rely on getting compounds INTO YOUR BODY” – Sage Hana


Prisoners of Themselves – “You realize, don’t you, that the gross misconduct of government officials from RussiaGate on down to the courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan has amounted to one continuous operation against the American people? If it were ever honestly adjudicated, many hundreds of them might go to prison, or worse. Each successive seditious and treasonous action they attempt against their arch-nemesis, Mr. Trump, only compounds their criminal liability — the Steele Dossier, CIA agent Eric Ciaramella’s 2019 impeachment prank, the Covid-19 caper, the George Floyd-BLM hustle, the 2020 election hijinks, the J-6 op and the House J-6 Committee conjured up to spin it, the present battery of farcical court cases — and yet the Golden Golem of Greatness not only remains defiantly at large, but seems to amass ever more electoral mojo.” – James Howard Kunstler

“Anti-Semitism” vs. Free Speech Canonizing an undefinable tool of censorship. “Our” House of Representatives recently passed perhaps the most odious piece of legislation in our history. This is quite a feat, considering that, in this millennium alone, they were responsible for the Patriot Act and Banker Bailout monstrosities. This act stamps the imprimatur of Zionist power on Congress, like a scarlet letter. If you want to know why so many “haters” believe “the Jews” control everything, look at the Antisemitism Awareness Act. It has never been illegal to criticize another country, in any other nation on earth, to my knowledge. Until now.” – Donald Jeffries

US Taxpayers Paying For Israel & MAGA’s Have Been Trumped – “Trump’s newest tease of potential VP’s is a hodge podge of Zionists and anti-Russia militants. And people are getting jittery. Is this a double switch? Why else would he allow the same regime that rules Biden to continue their legacy under a Trump presidency?” – Helena Glass

This Happens in Nigeria, Azerbaijan, India, China… And No One Cares (VIDEO) – “Some killings matter, others don’t.” – Damon Imani Reposts  – HAT TIP TO JOHN BARLEYCORN’S BLOG FOR SHARING. HIS LINK IS IN THE SIDEBAR!!!

Citizen’s Reset – “There’s no point in debunking all of the cluelessly ridiculous ideas like wind and solar power to run the nation, electric cars and Artificial Intelligence (AI). None of those things are going to work precisely because they rely on a massively expanding electric grid, batteries from nothing and chips for free. Onto the real subject at hand: war. We’re being forced into it one way or the other, foreign or domestic. What is the first target of war? Power. What do we all need in order to function in our current lives? Power. Upper atmosphere nukes create EMPs that can wipe out entire continents of electronics in a single blast without killing people directly. That is a weapon for the ages, like the neutron bomb on steroids. Within a fortnight, (what is that, two weeks?) we could be living on a very cold, dark planet. ” – T.L. Davis  – GOOD POINTS FROM T.L.!!!!

Learned Helplessness in The Liberty Movement – “Think of the endless dog and pony show where Republicans seek to stop the problem created by Democrats, only to do nothing when in office, or come up with an excuse about why they can’t do anything. The message is that the pain is inescapable.” – Dr. Joseph Sansone

A Paradigm Shift is Happening in America – “A tsunami of revulsion is coming.I’ve never met the woman in this video. I’ve never been in Westchester County where she’s from. But I know her. Most Americans do. She’s the well-meaning liberal relative or neighbor or friend who believed that Trump is the archenemy of Democracy, Truth, Justice and the American Way. She was the Vote Blue No Matter Who volunteer who called you up or knocked on your door at dinner and told you if you didn’t vote for DEMOCRATS the world would end ” – Ohio Barbarian

High Percentage of Federal Prisoners are Criminal Aliens or Noncitizens – “The numbers indicate that noncitizens commit serious crimes at a significantly higher rate than Americans.” – Sharyl Attkisson

Biden and Blinken’s Timorous Israel Policy – “Will history remember the duo as having had American interests at heart? Long after the current administration passes from the scene, President Joseph R. Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken will be remembered not for their bumbling, embarrassing encounters with the Chinese, nor for their steadfast refusal to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the Russians, which set off a disastrous war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Instead, they will likely be remembered as the abettors of Israel’s transformation of Gaza into an abattoir, and will leave a legacy as bloodstained as Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger’s.” – James W. Carden

Elon Musk Slams Robert De Niro for Comparing Trump to Hitler: ‘Makes No Sense’ – Frank Bergman

Brandon Entity Handlers Shorten Campaign Speeches Animal Farm-Style, Cite ‘Quality Over Quantity – Ben Bartee  – LINKED ABOUT THIS YESTERDAY AS WELL IN AN ARTICLE BY NICK ARAMA!!!!!!!!!!

Illinois Just Rigged Its 2024 Election, and the ‘Democracy’ Defenders Are Nowhere to Be Found – “In the middle of the 2024 campaign season, the State of Illinois has rigged its elections to ensure Democrats hold their majorities. In a move that has drawn zero mention from the supposed stalwart “defenders of democracy” in the press, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law changing ballot access rules that will allow multiple members of his party to run unopposed.The move guarantees that Democrats will face no real opposition to the size of their majorities in the state’s general assembly. Democrats already enjoy legislative supermajorities in the Illinois House and Senate thanks to district maps drawn by party leaders following the 2020 federal census that were crafted to minimize Republican opposition.” – Bonchie – LOOKS TO ME LIKE PRITZKER AND ILLINOIS ARE MORE CORRUPT THAN EVER. SEE NEXT ARTICLE AS WELL. KEEP IN MIND. PRITZKER WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT JUST LIKE NEWSOM DOES WHEN DEMENTIA JOE IS OUT OF THE PICTURE!!!

Pritzker doubles down with $827 million of taxpayer money for expansion by troubled electric vehicle maker, Rivian – “At $1.5 million per job, this new incentive package from the state is at least 15 times the norm. For this much money, the state could have just handed out a million bucks to 827 people, instead of creating 550 jobs. Gov. JB Pritzker announced Thursday that the State of Illinois will provide an $827 million incentive package for Rivian to invest $1.5 billion to expand its electric vehicle factory in Normal, Illinois. ” – Mark Glennon

The Most Preventable Famine in the World – “In the modern world, famine doesn’t just “happen.”” – Daniel Larison

Macron Again Struts Feathers, NATO Troop Paranoia, & More – “The most interesting development surrounds the Kremlin having designated Zelensky himself—as well as several other top Ukrainian officials and generals—as “wanted”, though oddly enough, the precise legal reason is unclear and not listed on the Russian Interior Ministry’s site.” – Simplicius

Hungarian Foreign Minister Warns Macron Risks Sparking World War III – “If there is a nuclear war, everyone will die.” – Paul Joseph Watson

The Pussy Pill – “A friend of mine just told me about this research, and not only does it answer a lot of questions, but it is also mind-numbing in its implications. Are you ready? There is reason to believe, as a result of scientific research, that The Pill, that’s right, the birth control pill, causes women to be attracted to non-masculine men. Oh my. Is this true? Have women taking the pill been attracted to “pussy-men” for that long? I do think the culture has generally encouraged this—with all the talk we hear about toxic masculinity these days, we certainly are seeing a general repulsion aimed at manly men. The sensitive man is what women claim to want—the man more in touch with his feelings. Really?” – Todd Hayen, PhD, RP  – GOOD ONE FROM TODD ONCE AGAIN!!!


Our Deer In The Headlights Moment: The “Worst Market Crash Since 1929” Is Rapidly Approaching And The Fed Doesn’t Know Which Way To Go – Michael Snyder

Falling Full-Time Jobs Points Toward Recession – Schiff Gold


The Reasons the Fed’s Bowman is “Willing” to Hike Rates if “Data Indicate Progress on Inflation Has Stalled or Reversed” – “The first three months of the year have produced a nasty re-acceleration of inflation in the US. It was across the board: in the Consumer Price Index, in the Fed-favored PCE price index, in the Producer Price Index, in the quarterly Employment Cost Index (for two quarters in a row). The Fed is beginning to adjust to this new scenario, and a rate hike — instead of rate cuts — is now back on the table and keeps getting talked about.” – Wolf Richter

Has the Fed Unwittingly Guaranteed a Trump Win? – “The Fed is panicking. Why? Because, its efforts to loosen monetary policy to juice stocks and real estate higher to aid the Biden administration with its re-election campaign have unleashed another round of inflation. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) bottomed right around the time the Fed stopped raising rates. It has since flat-lined and is now turning back up.’ – Graham Summers, MBA

Gold Price Beats Expectations in the Best Way Possible – “Gold’s price defies “hawkish” sentiment from the Fed The last weeks and months have obviously had a guess-the-driver theme, with everyone wondering what exactly is pushing gold prices so high. In doing that, analysts have perhaps lost track of the main driver of gold price today, which is inflation. Our nominal interest rate remains near historic highs, but inflation is still climbing. It has gained speed in recent months, hitting 3.5% as of latest counting.” – Peter Reagan

Why Are We Still Listening to the Central Planners? – “Confidence in institutions such as the Federal Reserve may be falling, but it hasn’t fallen nearly as far or as fast as it should. Trillions of dollars, yen, euros, and yuan are invested according to central bank policy and propaganda. It isn’t going well. How the Federal Reserve Operates and Enables Big Government The U.S. economy is massively distorted, unhealthy, and hopelessly dependent on Fed stimulus.” – Clint Siegner

MMT and Boiling Frogs – ““Why do we borrow our own currency in the first place?” Stephanie Kelton posed this question in her new documentary, Finding the Money, and a clip of Jared Berstein’s fumbled response to the question has gone viral on social media. Bernstein is the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers to Biden, and so we would expect that he would have an articulate answer to Kelton’s question, but he did not. Instead of trying to parse his response or explain why he fumbled, I want to provide an answer: the State borrows to expropriate real resources from the private, productive part of society. ” – Jonathan Newman


12 Alternatives to Communicate After the Grid Goes Down – “One of the most important and, sadly, most overlooked survival essentials in any kind of situation is communications. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to plan to keep yourself and your loved ones alive, but what you really need to do is reach out to people who can help you one way or another.” – Tom Marlowe

Troll Me If You Want, But Here’s the Truth… – “Prepping is not for the weak. There’s no clear blueprint to do it the right way, and it’s hard for anyone not to make some errors in the process. The problem is, some of these mistakes could turn out deadly in the next crisis. When I started out prepping a few years back, I was naïve. I thought I would just get myself the cheapest cans of food out there, store a good amount of water in blue barrels, buy some ammo and a few guns, and be done with it in one month. Ha! I know now I was fooling myself.” – Lia

20 Indispensable Bushcraft Tools and Gear Items to Invest In – Catherine Winter

Deadly Bugs For Your Crops – “Your garden is disappearing and you don’t know why. Cabbage rotting, fruits falling apart in your hands, leaves sad and yellowed; what is going on? Then, you turn over a leaf and you see them. These evil things: insect eggs. Even worse, you know what they are and you just didn’t see them in time. This happens to everyone at some point in their gardening journey. ” – Lyrae Willis

Bug Out First Aid Kit – James Walton


Jeremiah 13:25  This is thy lot, the portion of thy measures from me, saith the Lord; because thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.


star wars


You Need 2 Years of Food (VIDEO) with Martin Armstrong – “Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing. Spoiler alert: It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank. Armstrong surprisingly said, “I think you need, safely, two years’ worth of food supply. . . .This is what I have. It’s not just prices will go up, but mainly because there will be shortages. Then, you do not know what they are going to do with the currency. . . . They will do whatever they have to do to survive. That’s what governments always do.”” – Greg Hunter

Alice in Wonderland – “I used to be shocked and amazed when weird things happened in the world that seemed to be connected to each other, but were too weird to be just a coincidence. Now I think it’s funny. Not in a “ha ha” sort of way, but in a “this is so strange, and so obviously connected with (fill in the blank) I feel like I am sitting ringside in a circus tent” sort of funny. Ah, yes, these sorts of weird things have always happened, you may say. And that is true, to some extent. It does not seem they have happened as often as they are now happening, and they have not, in the past, seemed to be so elegantly correlated with other strange happenings.” – Todd Hayen, PhD, RP  – GOOD ONE FROM TODD, ONCE AGAIN!!!!

Mass Surveillance Coming: 100 Workers Are Being “Monitored” Amid Bird Flu Outbreak In Cattle – “The United States ruling class has started “monitoring” 100 workers as the bird flu spreads amongst cattle. Mass surveillance is coming if the ruling class decides they really want to clamp down on humanity. But of course, they are doing it for the safety of the slaves.” – Mac Slavo

The covid vaccine zealots won’t give up while there’s plenty of money to be made. – “When will this hysterical doom-loop end?” – Jonathan Engler

Offshore wind is gearing up to bulldoze the ocean – “The Biden Administration has recently produced a wave of plans and regulatory actions aimed at building a monstrous amount of destructive offshore wind. No environmental impact assessment is included.” – David Wojick

UNREAL Stat: One-Third of All U.S. Deaths Due to Prescription Drugs? – “Is it possible? Even as jaded as I am on the biomedical industry, I must confess that I’ve never encountered the shocking figure offered below and, actually, would never have guessed at the true possible death toll levied on the American public by the pharmaceutical industry.” – Ben Bartee

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 4, 2024 (VIDEO) – “”Should We Tweak The Atmosphere”? That is the question from New Scientist magazine. From Technology Times: “Study Raises Concerns About Solar Geoengineering’s Unpredictability”, which is a gross understatement. Are climate engineering operations already a planetary catastrophe that is growing worse with each passing day?” – Dane Wigington

SH Advanced Class: The Same Ugly Eugenics Operation with a Bright New Clear Coat Environmental Sheen – “Let’s begin with just some random top down thoughts. The world is ruled by a few Scorpion families, such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The Rockefellers made their money, or much of it, selling oil. Now they want to be green and need you all to stop driving and eating hamburgers and steaks. However going green ignores that the biggest polluter is their Global Mall Cop, the United States Military.” – Sage Hana


 Pay Attention America | Reading Bible Deemed Illegal Under New Law? (VIDEO) – This is causing quite the stir. are we heading to an Era where the Bible is banned. Could it soon be a crime to preach the gospel Are we edging close to a time where Christianity is banned and all believers are told that it’s illegal to believe on act on or even speak about the Bible – Grace For Purpose

Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution – “I discussed the new Bill that the U.S. House of Representatives passed this week titled “The Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023“, which had bipartisan support. As you can observe from the title of the Bill that now heads to the Senate, the language for this Bill was written last year, 2023, after the Hamas military attack in Israel, and pre-dates the current student protests over the war in Gaza that began a few weeks ago. In fact, the language for this Bill was drafted under President Donald Trump, written by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and was then enacted as a Presidential Executive Order on December 11, 2019. Donald Trump furthered the Zionist agenda more than any other president before him. As I reported in my last article about this new House Bill that is now heading to the Senate, every U.S. President since 1991 has signed a proclamation affirming the Jewish Noahide laws on the “Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the United States” just before Passover. The Noahide Laws are allegedly from the Babylonian Talmud. The Noahide Laws are stated to be universal and binding upon “Gentiles” (non-Jews) only. “Idolatry and blasphemy” are Noahide Laws that are punishable by death, and within the definition of idolatry and blasphemy is the belief that Jesus Christ was the Jewish Messiah.” – Brian Shilhavy  – INTERESTING RESEARCH FROM BRIAN!!!!!

Israel Relocates to Washington, D.C. – “‘The US Congress has become an extension of the Israeli government. We don’t need a president. We have the Israel Lobby. The US House of Representatives just passed a bill that means prison for any Christian or anyone for that matter who quotes the Bible that says Jesus was handed over by Jews to Pontius Pilate to be scourged and crucified by the Romans. The bill, which passed 320-91, criminalizes all criticisms of Israel and Jews as anti-semitism. If the Senate passes this bill, I suppose it will end up in book-burning of many works of literature including Shakespeare.”- Paul Craig Roberts

Fear: The End of America is Near, Journalists Say – “Take a dip in the murky waters of recent Trump Apocalypse journalism — it says there’s gonna be a civil war and dictatorship. But don’t worry, it’s just the politics of fear. In a scary article subtitled “Donald Trump is warning that 2024 could be America’s last election,” The National Review alerts us if Trump wins America is pretty much done being a democracy. After that in The National Review you get the standard A.I.-generated list of bad Things Trump has said: ” – Peter Van Buren

Orange Goes Franco – “The Orange Man is seen by many as the man who will stop the spread of authoritarianism in the United States. But maybe he’s the man who’s going to legalize it. Orange Man has promised that, if elected, he will confer immunity from prosecution upon the enforcers of authority; i.e., the police – thereby conferring upon them carte blanche to enforce their authority as much as they like (and irrespective of the law).” – Eric Peters

Trump compares Biden administration to Nazis – “Resorting to “Gestapo” tactics is the only way that Joe Biden can win in November election, the former US president has declared” – RT  – MIGHT AS WELL. THEY COMPARE HIM TO HITLER. WHAT’S GOOD FOR THE GOOSE IS GOOD FOR THE GANDER!!!!

Thank God For Straight White Men – “That headline is highly unfashionable and will not get me any job offers to be president of any university, but it’s true – straight, white men kick ass. But no group of people has been more demonized by the left than the people who, if we’re being honest, have done more for our species than any other. It’s probably a hate crime at any of those “martyrs camps” on campuses to point that out, just as it’s probably a hate crime to point out just how much of the good things in life people enjoy – technology, medicine, clothes, various delicious foods – were the fruits of evil whitey’s colonization and work. True story, look it up. That’s the reason no one on the left, while screaming bloody murder about some Kardashian sister braiding their hair being “CULTURAL APPROPRIATOR,” never bothers to hate the “colonizers” who invented antibiotics or the awful privileged monsters who created the cell phones they’re using to inform the world of just how oppressed they are as they wait in line at Starbucks to pay $10 for a cup of flavored warm water. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.” – Derek Hunter

What is Biden’s endgame in bringing in terrorists? – “How do the Democrats expect to survive a terrorist attack for which they are responsible politically? The ruling class left has seen the importation of thousands, if not millions of military-aged men from enemy nations. And now in a move that dials the insanity up to eleventy, they want to bring in supporters of Hamas, if not the terrorists themselves. Everyone is anticipating an October 7-type attack in the states that will make 9/11 look like a pinprick by comparison.” – D. Parker

Biden Isn’t Joking, and Fetterman Wins a New Hashtag – “When will Hollywood ever learn that the Midwest is not under its influence?” – Sarah Cowgill

He’s Getting Worse: Now the Biden Team Is Trying to Reduce Joe’s Speaking Time – “The Biden team is scrambling, trying to figure out how to deal with a problem like Joe Biden. They’ve put him in new shoes to help prevent him from tripping. They’ve reportedly had handlers covering him, standing between the media and Biden to obscure his stilted, elderly walk. They got him the short stairs to reduce steps into Air Force One. But as we’ve said, that’s still not hiding all the issues.” – Nick Arama

How To Appoint a Commissar (Part 8) – Columbia President Minouche Shafik – “Minouche Shafik is the final boss of the naked emperor globalists. In 2023, Baroness Shafik was appointed the first female President of Columbia University. Like Claudine Gay, her freshman year has been a dumpster fire. At the time of her coronation, a record 6 of the 8 Demoralized DIEvy League presidents were women. Since then, 2 of the 6 have resigned (Gay and UPenn’s Liz Magill) and the other 4 are copypasta clones of each other. They are empty vessels helming sinking ships and hollow institutions.” – Yuri Bezmenov

The Russia–Iran–China search for a new global security order – “While the collective west is in the grips of an existential legitimacy crisis, the RIC is devising its own security order to protect the rest of the world from the ‘genocidals.’” – Pepe Escobar

Is Zelensky’s Life In Danger Now That He’s On Russia’s Wanted List? – Andrew Korybko


MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: The System Is Running Out Of Cash… (VIDEO) – Gregory Mannarino

The Fed slows quantitative tightening, fearing a bond meltdown. – “Persistent inflation is not a coincidence. It is a policy. The money supply (M2) in the United States has bounced above March 2023 levels, while deficit spending offsets any Fed balance sheet reduction. It is no surprise to read that the Federal Reserve has kept rates unchanged. Mr. Powell indicated that there are no rate hikes on the horizon, which was received with relief by market participants, but he also cast doubt about the expectations of rate cuts.” – Daniel Lacalle

‘That is deranged’: Janet Yellen says Americans ‘generally are better off’ despite price increases — the internet disagrees – Jing Pan

The Lunacy of Taxing Unrealized Gains – “My goodness, I didn’t think I could hate the present administration more than I already do. It’s a fountain of idiotic ideas, starting with shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline to just sending $61 billion to Ukraine. You may as well just set the money on fire. Everything Boneheaded Biden has done has made things more expensive. And don’t give me, “Well, inflation has come down!”” – Sean Ring  – GOOD READ FROM SEAN!!!

Biden’s New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices – “The lie of the day is from the EPA: Carbon capture will pay for itself (thanks to IRA subsidies). No, it won’t even with subsidies. Expect blackouts and a higher price for electricity.” – Mish

More Good News On The Silver Deficit – “Supply down, demand up. Thanks, China!” – John Rubino

China Is Buying Gold Like There’s No Tomorrow – DNYUZ


Food for Thought, and Food for a Defense – “We should be working with our neighbors to secure our local areas using the resources of a small and like-minded community. Security will be job number one. ” -Tunnel Rabbit

A Planting Schedule: Getting The Most From Your Little Garden. (VIDEO) – Modern Refugee  – GOOD ONE FROM MODERN REFUGEE!!!!!!!!

Raised Garden Beds – 5 Tips for Surefire Success – Laurie Neverman

How to Thin Fruit Trees: Apples, Peaches, Plums and More – “It’s admittedly one of the more painful spring gardening tasks; one that many home gardeners avoid or neglect to do completely. But once you understand the significant benefits of thinning, I hope you won’t feel so bad doing it. You know what they say: no pain, no gain!” – Deanna Talerico

Dandelions: An Overlooked Plant with Remarkable Benefits – Brian Lassitter


Job 5:19-21    He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.  In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword.  Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue: neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh.




So much trouble in the world
So much trouble in the world

Bless my eyes this morning
Jah sun is on the rise once again
The way earthly thing’s are going
Anything can happen

You see men sailing on their ego trip
Blast off on their spaceship
Million miles from reality:
No care for you, no care for me

So much trouble in the world
So much trouble in the world
All you got to do: give a little (give a little)
Give a little (give a little), give a little (give a little)!
One more time, ye-ah! (give a little) Ye-ah! (give a little)
Ye-ah! (give a little) Yeah!

So you think you’ve found the solution
But it’s just another illusion!
(So before you check out this tide)
Don’t leave another cornerstone
Standing there behind, eh-eh-eh-eh!
We’ve got to face the day
(Ooh) Ooh-wee, come what may:
We the street people talkin’
Yeah, we the people strugglin’

Now they sitting on a time bomb; (Bomb-bomb-bomb! Bomb-bomb-bomb!)
Now I know the time has come: (Bomb-bomb-bomb! Bomb-bomb-bomb!)
What goes on up is coming on down, (Bomb-bomb-bomb! Bomb-bomb-bomb!)
Goes around and comes around. (Bomb-bomb-bomb! Bomb-bomb-bomb!)

So much trouble in the world
So much trouble in the world
So much trouble in the world
There is so much trouble (so much trouble in the world)
There is so much trouble
There is so much trouble (so much in the world)
There is so much trouble
There is so much trouble in the world (so much trouble in the world)
There is (so much in the world)
(So much trouble in the world)

(So Much Trouble In The World by Bob Marley )


New York Times writes its first vaccine injury story! – “And, yes, it’s as disingenuous as you’d expect.This morning, The New York Times published its very first in-depth feature story on vaccine injuries, plus an op-ed by the paper’s star Covid columnist David Leonhardt. Both pieces offer would-be yellow journalists a master class in obfuscation, spin and belated ass-covering. ” – Bill Rice Jr.

Geofenced – “Have you heard about geofencing? It’s like an invisible fence for dogs – applied to humans, using the invisible fencing made possible by connected cars. You don’t get shocked – like a dog – when you get too close to the edge of the invisible boundary. The car just won’t cross it. Or it won’t go, at all. You get in, push “start” (most new cars do not have keyed ignition switches anymore) but it won’t. Not because the tank’s empty or you’ve run out of charge but because an update was sent overnight to stop the vehicle from starting. All made possible by this connectedness business.” – Eric Peters  – ANOTHER GOOD ONE FROM ERIC ON HOW THEY CONTROL US THROUGH OUR CARS!!!

Book Burning Goes Digital – “In March 2021, the Biden White House initiated a brazenly unconstitutional censorship campaign to prevent Americans from buying politically unfavorable books from Amazon. Here, we again see censorship in the raw; bureaucratic thugs, using the power of the US federal government, call for the suppression of information that they find politically inconvenient. They hide behind the innocuous language of “public health” and “public-private partnerships,” but the Leviathan’s “requests” carry an implicit threat.” – Brownstone Institute

China and the USA: Allies or Enemies in the Global Eugenics War? – Karen Kingston

Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of C19 uninjected Blood Showing Multicolored Filaments – How Dyes Change Functionalities of Polymer Self Assembly Nanotechnology- “Why do we see blue, pink, white filaments? Morgellons, the common name for infection with advanced nano materials, has caused many thousands of people around the world to expel different color polymer filaments, that are artificial life, conscious self assembly nanotechnology and synthetic biology. We now find the same in the post Covid 19 bio-weapon roll out, just in much higher rates than ever seen before. ” – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Throwing Kids’ Health Under the Bus? FCC Wants to Put Wi-Fi on School Buses – “Citing mental and physical health concerns, parents, politicians and safe technology advocates are pushing back against an FCC initiative to put Wi-Fi on school buses.” – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D

“I’ve Been Totally Ghosted”: After Install, Solar Panels Become Maintenance Nightmare – “The green new deal and switch to “alternative’ energy looks like it’s going exactly as planned: costing the taxpayer trillions of dollars and generally pissing everybody off.” – Tyler Durden

Oldest Antarctic ice poses climate puzzle – “Scientists have managed to analyse air trapped in ice-core samples from Antarctica that are as old as 3 million years, including the first ever samples from the Pliocene, which ended about 2.6 million years ago when the ice ages began. The results were obtained as part of the COLDEX initiative – the US Center for Oldest Ice Exploration – which reported its latest findings at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna. The story they tell of past climates is unexpected. Analysis of the Pliocene air trapped in the ice shows that the Earth was several degrees warmer than today, even though carbon dioxide (CO2) levels were similar to those today.” – Dr David Whitehouse

US Senators Drop a Bombshell on the World Health Organization – “The tide is turning” – The Vigilant Fox

Almost Half of Health Care Workers Hesitant to Take COVID-19 Boosters: Study – “Six health care workers reported suffering negative adverse effects after previously taking COVID-19 shots in the report.” – Naveen Athrappully


Show Trials and Fake Protests – “The United States Government has finally reached the point where it is an utter failure. It cannot be corrected, no nation so heavily corrupt has ever been able to correct itself. We all see where this is going. We know we will have to become directly involved at some point. The question is, will we let that moment pass by with no more attention than we’ve given all of the other warning signs and alarms going off. It depresses me to think that we will.” – T.L. Davis

America’s Jenga Tower of Power – “Most of us already feel America’s Jenga tower wobbling. The federal government feels it, too. That’s why it spends so much time censoring Americans’ speech, spying on their conversations, and abusing the criminal “justice” system to batter perceived political enemies. As with all budding totalitarian regimes that have risen in the past, the U.S. government has abandoned persuasive argument for intimidation and coercion. ” – J.B. Shurk

Justice in a Shithole Country – “Russiagate, documentsgate, insurrectiongate, pornstargate and the phony civil and criminal trials being orchestrated against President Trump demonstrate that Democrat attorney generals, prosecutors, and judges have no integrity, no respect for law, and regard law as a weapon to be used against those who stand in the way of their agendas.” – Paul Craig Roberts

Jews didn’t kill Jesus – US House of Representatives – “The US House of Representatives has passed a bill which its authors claim is aimed at combating anti-Semitism in American universities. If signed into law, it would mean suggesting that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews could be classed as anti-Semitism. The Antisemitism Awareness Act contains a list of “contemporary examples” which have been shared online by social media users, ” -RT  – NOT ONLY DO THEY TRY TO REWRITE HISTORY, THEY ARE REWRITING THE BIBLE AS WELL. LET’S SEE, WE HAVE THE KING JAMES VERSION AND NOW WE HAVE THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VERSION!!!

BREAKING NEWS: Russian troops enter US base in Niger, order Americans out – “This is unprecedented; we are entering a hot war with Russia, just a matter of time” – Leo Hohmann

Military Appreciation Month! – “Hug a warrior today, Yesterday, I saw a reminder that May (the entire month!) is for “military appreciation.” WTF? We have Memorial Day and Veterans Day and even Armed Forces Day, but now we need an entire month to “appreciate” the U.S. military? I served in the military for twenty years on active duty, and even I find this crazily (and dangerously) absurd.” – Bill Astore

U.S. Government Mandates Preferred Pronouns in All Workplaces – “The U.S. Government has mandated the use of preferred pronouns in every workplace in America in a clampdown on ‘discrimination’ against transgender people under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As of this week, failing to respect a queer person’s non-binary pronouns is the newest form of workplace discrimination recognised under the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act in the United States. The new pronoun mandate for workers, employers and even customers was issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as part of the civil rights agency’s first move in a quarter-century to bring its workplace guidelines up to date with legal precedent and evolving social norms.” – Will Jones

Joe Biden’s Medal of Freedom Ceremony Goes South As His Brain Fries and He Slurs Uncontrollably – “Joe Biden held a Medal of Freedom ceremony on Friday in which he awarded standouts like John Kerry, Al Gore, and Nancy Pelosi with America’s highest civilian honor. What did they do to deserve such a reward? The answer is nothing, but they have been radical leftists, and that was enough.As with any public appearance by Biden, the event offered ample evidence of his senility. At one point, he appeared to forget what he was there for, perhaps mistakenly thinking he was awarding the Medal of Honor to someone. ” – Bonchie

After ‘Walking Aides’ Tactic Fails, Biden Is Now Being Hidden From The Press – “Joe Biden is now being actively hidden from the press after previous attempts to obscure his C3PO shuffle with ‘walking aides’ failed.” – Steve Watson

Robert De Niro Compares Trump to Hitler: ‘The Guy Is a Monster’ – “Liberal Hollywood star Robert De Niro has unloaded with yet another TDS-fueled rant about President Donald Trump.” – Frank Bergman – YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY, “OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES, EVERYONE’S GOT ONE”. STICK TO ACTING BOB, NOBODY REALLY CARES WHAT YOU THINK!  WHY PEOPLE THINK THAT ACTOR’S, SINGER’S, ATHLETE’S AND ETC. VIEWS ARE THAT IMPORTANT IS BEYOND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beware of the Hallow Prayer App – “It’s FAR from being Christian…” – Jim McCraigh

Democrats Trying To Rewrite Recent History, Now Claim They Never Tried To ‘Defund The Police,’ Or ‘Abolish Ice,’ Video Evidence Says Differently With Seven Minutes Of Liberals Saying Defund The Police -Susan Duclos

Pfizergate: Ursula von der Leyen’s shady Covid vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything – “Questionable contracts and overspending have left the unelected ‘queen’ of the EU unfazed and eager for a new term” – Rachel Marsden

26 States File Lawsuits in Federal Courts Over ATF Redefinition of Gun Dealers – “Lawsuits claim rule violates Administrative Procedures Act and U.S. Constitution, ask courts to block rule and declare it unconstitutional.” – Michael Clements

U.S. Admits Failed Africa Strategy: But There’s More! – “Calmly, a CIA expert on Africa spells out how America stepped into the role of French colonialists/opportunists/pirates. He went on to mirror what we’ve been saying for years now, that African nations no longer want to be “told what to do.” Our role in Niger, in fact, across Africa and the world, could not be magnified more clearly. Politico quoted another U.S. official who punctuated this for us with his admission, “There’s a long history of the West telling African countries how to govern, and they’re finally saying ‘enough.”” – Phil Butler

A stylised facts approach to the war in Ukraine – “Russia is in control of the battlefield but not the media war where NATO’s hired hacks still spin tales of abducted children and civilian massacres.” – Declan Hayes

US Spies Are Lying About Russia Training With China In Relation To Taiwan – Andrew Korybko


Inflation is Transitory Again – “Because it has to be in order to fund Bidenomics.” – David Haggith

American Families Are Running Out of Time – “As tired as are of hearing about inflation in these days, it’s taking a turn for the worse. Here’s the short version: The overall inflation rate is heating up again (officially 3.5%), which is almost double the Fed’s target rate of 2%. On top of that, personal budgets are getting tapped out (including credit cards), which could mean consumers won’t be able to keep up with increasing prices for much longer. That means a major recession could still be lurking just around the corner, which is something that mainstream analysts appear to have a hard time coming to grips with.” – Peter Reagan

What Are the Odds the Fed Hikes Interest Rates to 8 Percent? – Mish

What’s really driving the gold price surge? – “Gold is often purchased during times of political or economic upheaval. Traditionally these have been short-term events, such as wars, economic crises, or health scares such as the covid-19 pandemic. However, new research by Project Syndicate author Harold James reveals something more structural and long-lasting is going on.” – Richard Mills

Gold and silver finding a base – “Massive Comex silver deliveries: does this indicate a scramble for metal? And are the silver short positions spiralling out of control?” -Alasdair Macleod

Renewed regulatory pressure on Bitcoin is no surprise – “Nor will it change anything over the long haul… We’ve always said that the rise of Bitcoin and non-state fintech was a monetary regime change, and that it would be naive to expect the entrenched “powers that be” and incumbent establishment to go down without a fight. After all, the Cantillionaire class has had monopoly control over a magic lever that surreptitiously transferred everybody else’s wealth to themselves for over a century.” – Mark E. Jeftovic


The Death File – “I know, it’s a morbid name. But it gets the point across. You can call yours whatever you’d like. Some prefer “In Case of Death.” There are several things that should be kept in this file. I recommend printing these out rather than just storing everything electronically.” – Jim Cobb  – THIS IS SOMETHING MOST PEOPLE DON’T THINK ABOUT, BUT IT’S IMPORTANT. GOOD ARTICLE FROM JIM!!!

13 Unsafe Places to Navigate During A SHTF Scenario (As you gather information and resources, make sure you determine where you’ll go in different scenarios!) – Dave Jefferson

9 Devastating Bean Plant Diseases and How to Treat Them – Catherine Winter

25 Pioneer Items We’ll Need Again Someday – “In the age of convenience, it’s easy to forget that there exists a treasure trove of wisdom and functionality in items that our great grandparents once used daily. Imagining a life without electricity, running water, or fast food deliveries might seem like stepping back in time, but the reality is, the pioneers who used these items were onto something.” – Rebekah Pierce  – A SIMILAR ARTICLE WAS LINKED ON 01/18/24. MAY BE SOME OVERLAP BUT WORTH READING AS WELL!!!

12 Fastest Growing Fruit Trees for Your Backyard -Bethany Hayes  – HAVE LINKED SIMILAR TO THIS ONE AS WELL ON 06/03/23


2 Chronicles 7:14     If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.





The World Economic Forum Is Still Conspiring Against Your Freedom – “Last January, humanity’s elite gathered again in Davos, Switzerland, to plan out the rest of our lives. World Economic Forum (WEF) honchos are morally superior because they are devoted to destroying your freedom to save the Earth, or at least to safeguard plant habitat. The WEF had two big goals this year: “restore trust” and “crush dissent.” Okay, that last one is a paraphrase. Instead, the WEF is proclaiming that the greatest peril humanity now faces is “misinformation and disinformation.” And it knows this because its own truths are self-evident. The WEF officials have complained bitterly that it is “misinformation” to assert that they are power-crazed maniacs. But consider its June 2020 call for a Great Reset for humanity:” – James Bovard

Stop The WHO Treaty and Reject the Amendments (VIDEO) -“The fraudulent globalist agenda to profit off world depopulation.” – Greg Reese

When “pandemics are declared” – what does this mean in practice? – “Beware of any “freedom fighter” who supports the government’s power to declare pandemics. They are they are fighting freedom and defending the tyranny.” – Sasha Latypova

BigPharma Shill Sale: Can The Nobel Prize Winning Miracle Drug Ivermectin Damage Fertility? – “There are “Truths,” and there there are Truths… BigPharma is exposed. BigPharma is desperate. BigPharma wants truly effective, safe and inexpensive repurposed drugs to be all but impossible to source.”What we are witnessing currently is that certain individuals are attacking Ivermectin due to ignorance and/or shilling for BigPharma; they are purposely ascribing fertility damage to a drug that has a radically safer profile than even aspirin. – 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Trump again brags about ‘phenomenal’ Operation Warp Speed in TIME magazine interview – “The former president will still not acknowledge the harmful effects of the COVID-19 shots.” – Stephen Kokx

Questions for Trump About Covid – “Donald Trump will likely become the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024, without ever having to answer any questions about his administration’s disastrous pandemic response. If there were any accountability, and any real journalists insisting on it, these would be some of the questions Trump would have to answer:” – Debbie Lerman

Russia is manipulated by the same elite financial interests that control the West – Rhoda Wilson

SHOCKING: Washington State Attorney General’s Office Claims COVID-19 Shots ‘safe and remain effective’ – Dr. Joseph Sansone

More Evidence Showing Vitamin D Combats Cancer – “Low vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk of cancers, while vitamin D can attach to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in your cells, setting off a series of signals that may affect how they grow, develop and survive Although increasing vitamin D levels may help to reduce cancer deaths, health officials rarely recommend optimizing levels for this purpose Vitamin D targets cancer in multiple ways, including anticancer, antimetastatic and anti-tumorigenic effects The best way to optimize your vitamin D level is via regular sun exposure, which enhances production of melatonin — a potent anticancer agent” – Dr. Joseph Mercola


Nostalgia for the Mud – “Wasn’t it cute how the youngsters who “occupied” Columbia U’s Hamilton Hall — and were busy smashing things up inside — demanded restaurant-grade meals sent in to avert “starvation and dehydration” amongst their dauntless ranks? It turns out, actually, that at least half the troops inside were not students at all, but rather semi-pro activists paid up to $7,000 each by George Soros’s Open Society Institute and other overtly insurrection-themed orgs, so you’d think that the troops could afford to load-up their ever-ready backpacks with Clif bars and bottles of Smart Water. And then, when the cops came to roust them out into the big buses now used as paddy-wagons for such events, the occupiers were heard to whine, “I have finals and I need to go home!” You’ve got to wonder how they’ll make out when “Joe Biden” drafts their ass to go fight the Russians out on the Ukrainian buzzard flats, about which the White House is just now sending out early signals.” – James Howard Kunstler

“Order Must Prevail” – “Biden denounces violence, destruction, and hate, but only in America” – Bill Astore

What Ever Happened to the Freedom of Speech? – “Though the colonists deeply valued all the rights articulated in the Declaration, truly it was the freedom of speech that drove the revolution. Yes, the Americans had Kentucky long guns that enabled the colonial militias to shoot and kill British forces from distances that the British weaponry was unable to reach. Yes, the Americans were animated by defending their homeland. But it was speech — sung in taverns, written in broadsides, delivered in sermons, distributed in pamphlets, adopted by the Continental Congress and colonial legislatures, and proclaimed in town squares from Boston to Charleston — that whipped the brushfires of freedom into a revolution and a new nation. Today, this most basic and utterly essential freedom — both a natural human right and a constitutionally protected right — is under assault by governments that hate or fear the content of the speech. I am addressing the demonstrations on college campuses today and the authoritarian responses to them by college presidents, governors and mayors.” – Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

The Enemy Is Among Us? – “Anti-genocide groups are being targeted by media and government. Well friends, the verdict is in! If you are opposed to Israel’s slaughter of something like forty thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children, or the clearly enunciated plans by that nation’s government to ethnically cleanse the rest of historic Palestine, making the developing Eretz or Greater Israel a legally Jewish state, and are prepared to protest or speak up about it, then you are an antisemite Jew-hater and probably even a holocaust denier.” – Philip Giraldi

The House shouldn’t have passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act – “The federal government should never be in the business of defining and “grading” ideas. Congress should not be making the ideas. Instead, it should erase every law and regulation that gives benefits to or imposes burdens upon people based on race, creed, sex, etc., and it should leave the realm of ideas alone.” – Andrea Widburg

Sabbatean Cult of Zion Tightens its Noose on America (VIDEO) – “The real power behind the USA has been rearing its monstrous head recently: the Sabbatean-Frankist or Rothschild-Zionist Cult, a Satanic Cult to its core. It has the power to pass laws in its favor, suppress students’ free speech and many other things in the US.” – Makia Freeman  – GOOD LISTEN FROM MAKIA!!!

Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death! – “There are more Zionists among Evangelical Christians than there are among Jews.” – Brian Shilhavy

Different Shoes – Steve Heins – VERY GOOD INSPIRATIONAL, MUST, READ. !!!!!!!

How Is the Biden Admin Going to Explain Away This April Jobs Report? – Spencer Brown

Biden wants 50,000 new climate activists and the consequences will be devastating – “Climate Corps would have more employees under Biden than NASA and the EPA combined. With the national debt racing toward a record $35 trillion, President Joe Biden released his budget proposal Monday, including an eye-popping $8 billion for a “Climate Corps” program.” – Daniel Turner

There’s No Factual Economic Basis For Biden To Demand That India Import Millions Of Immigrants – “Biden’s smearing of India as “xenophobic” on factually false economic pretexts was a new low even for him and shows the depths to which the US will now go in its newfound crusade against that country’s international reputation.” – Andrew Korybko  – SEEMS LIKE BIDEN HITS A NEW LOW ALMOST EVERY DAY IN EVERY AREA!!!!!!!!!!

It should never have come to this, but it was also inevitable – “From the moment transwomen began competing in women’s sports, we knew something was going to have to break. The harsh reality of biology was being ignored in the name of “compassion” for a tiny minority, including no desire to accept that some might just lie so as to get a competitive advantage. You weren’t allowed to question or voice concerns. No, you were just supposed to accept that when someone born male decided to step in and compete in a female-only sports division, it was legit. But for the girls and women being impacted, it wasn’t exactly something they could or should overlook. A wonderful protest recently happened when girls at a track meet refused to compete against a biological male in the shot put.” – Tom Knighton

US warns of new ‘nuclear threat’ from China – WaPo – “Beijing is building reactors to power military facilities, a senior official has told the outlet. After more than a decade of research and development, China is said to be inching closer to the construction of its first floating nuclear power plant. Beijing has stated that the facility could provide electricity and heat to remote areas, islands, and offshore oil and gas platforms. US officials claim that Beijing will use floating reactors to power military bases on artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea,” -RT  – MORE FEARMONGERING PERHAPS!!!

Stop Driving Russia and China Together – “The U.S. would be wise not to do anything that causes Beijing to increase its support.” – Daniel Larison


More Evidence Screams “The Books Are Cooked!” – “You just can’t make stuff like this up … except the government does … over and over!” – David Haggith

Jobs Up a Less Than Expected 175,000 in April – Mish

The $1.3 Trillion Elephant In The Room – David Stockman

Policies of Disaster – “This week, following the FOMC meeting, the Federal Reserve left the federal funds rate unchanged – at a range of 5.25 to 5.5 percent. No surprise there. The real dirt, however, was buried in the implementation note. That’s where the Fed revealed that starting June 1, it will taper its monthly balance sheet reduction of U.S. Treasuries from $60 billion to $25 billion. In other words, $105 billion less Treasuries will need to be issued in Q3. The Fed, in essence, is trying to put a lid on rising interest rates. Perhaps this buys the Fed, and the overextended financial system, a little time in an election year.’ – MN Gordon

IT BEGINS! Mystery Buyer Takes Action! 10yr Yield CRATERS. MMRI Plummets! BANK BLACK HOLE. (VIDEO) – Gregory Mannarino

How Wage Justice Warriors Killed Food Delivery in Seattle – “For years, Gary Lardizabal made a living delivering food in the Seattle metro. But he says a new ordinance that went into effect in January is putting his livelihood at risk. The law, which was designed to increase pay for food delivery drivers, has resulted in a collapse of food orders. “I can’t pay rent. [Orders are] down 30 to 40%,” Lardizabal told a local radio station. “This is not a living wage; this is a dying wage.”” – Jon Miltimore

Fed Obfuscates on Inflation While Politicians Scapegoat Businesses – “Also, Listen to a Special Interview on Weaponization of the Dollar” – Mike Gleason and Mike Maharrey with Saleha Mohsin


You’re Going To Need At Least One Year Of Food For SHTF – “That’s what you might need, at a minimum, for an actual real SHTF. An event that will shatter today’s modern way of life. The End Of Life As We Know It. Yes, this event could absolutely happen. While this won’t matter for those living in the city or very population-dense regions, it will matter for those living outside these areas. How’s that? Well, the first group won’t survive very long (for several obvious reasons). The second group has a chance to survive long term.” – Ken Jorgustin

How to find civilization when you get lost in the wilderness – “Often, when people find themselves lost, they wander aimlessly, exhausting themselves in the hope of stumbling upon civilization. However, simply moving is only a fraction of the solution to being rescued. Fundamental principles of wilderness survival and navigation exist that apply universally, irrespective of your precise location or intended destination.” – Bob Rodgers

The Secrets Of The Government Foresee The Prepping For The Collapse Of Society In A Warehouse Hidden From The World! – Dave Jefferson  – ONE HAS TO QUESTION WHO WILL THESE GOVERNMENT STOCKPILES REALLY BE FOR!!!!

Post-Apocalyptic Stew – “The best post-apocalyptic stew needs to do more than just make the most out of what you have on hand, or what you can forage. Going the extra mile to maximize its flavor and give you the full-belly feeling also boosts morale in a survival situation” – Eric Beuning

DIY Self-Watering Raised Garden Beds Posted – John Evans


Philippians 4:12    I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.


news 1news 2FELLOW

Executive Compensation at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (2021) – Anne Paddock




Western Humanity Wherein Killing Is The Solution – “THE BIG PICTURE: The CoVid Vax has been determined to be a bioweapon utilized by our own Pharma companies to ‘depopulate’ as in kill. The World Economic Forum routinely espouses that the solution to the world’s problems is to kill ¾ of humans. Christians, are calling for the culling of 2 million Palestinians. Politicians have called for the murder of all MAGAs. MAGA’s who supported the January 6th prisoners are calling for the culling of university students – teens. Blacks want to wipe out whites. Elites want to kill all those who are not of ‘likemindedness’. And suddenly you realize that humanity pointing the finger at all other humans is a justification. Where are the good guys? Where are the ones who don’t believe The Solution to our ills is death?” – Helena Glass

Dear Dr. Malone… An open letter. – “Let me set the stage for this open letter by saying Robert Malone believes that I am one of those haters, who are absolutely unreasonably stalking him all over the internet with hateful comments, etc. He thinks this is personal somehow.” – Sasha Latypova  -GOOD READ FROM SASHA!!!!

Costly Climate Agendas Are Raising Bills While Doing Zilch For The Climate – David Holt



All Normal, Nothing To See Here… – “The government will control the weather and you will be happy.” – Lioness of Judah

Pfizer’s Copying The Wellness Company’s Patient-Care Model – “In preparation for the next ‘Pandemic’, Pfizer is offering online medical consultations, and direct-to-consumer shipping for Pfizer’s COVID-19 and other Rx products.” – Karen Kingston





All Rule and All Government Are Evil to the Core, and the Abandonment of Natural Law – “The beauty, simplicity, and justice, of natural law is a thing to behold. It harms no one, and protects everyone; this the essence of freedom. Natural laws alone are the only laws necessary, as any laws prescribed and legislated by one man, or any group of men, over another, is not only immoral, it is immediately destructive of all natural law. Man’s laws are an abomination, and by design are meant to regulate, restrict, harm, or control others, which is a violent afront to the actual rights of all men. No manmade laws that stray in any way from natural law should be tolerated or followed.” – Gary D. Barnett

Burn Baby Burn – “The protests provide some insight into what is happening among the Cloud People and also some insight into how the Dirt People see the Cloud People. It has been a long time since factions of the anti-white coalition that makes up what we call the left have squared off against each other. As a result, the Cloud People are struggling to grapple with what is happening. Usually, it is easy for them to pick sides, as the protestors are always targeting Dirt People. The first thing worth noting is that the pro-Gaza protestors are not white. It is anti-Zionist Jews and nonwhites, with a smattering of upper-middle-class white girls from the grievance studies programs. ” – The Z Man

The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” Is An Audacious Attack Against The First Amendment – “Deifying Israel and all Jews by potentially criminalizing any criticism of them, no matter how legitimate such as the first’s policies towards the Palestinians and wondering whether the second’s disproportionate membership in the Biden Administration influences its policies, is anti-American. There’s nothing “anti-Semitic” about describing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians as racist nor in drawing attention to how that state’s formation led to the ethnic cleansing of many Muslim Arabs. Likewise, accusing it of exploiting the Holocaust for socio-political gain isn’t anti-Semitic either.” – Andrew Korybko

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government (VIDEO) – “From JFK to 9/11 the Zionist agenda comes first” – Greg Reese

Off the curve – “Is protest culture collecting the lost children? The problem is that many of these more alienated groups congeal around low identity people and woke seems like some sort of final form toxic manifestation of this.” – El Gato Malo

YURI SUBSTACK VIDEO DEBUT: How To Make a Struggle Session Parody (3 min) – “Reimagining the opening scene of the Three Body Problem into a modern woke revolution struggle session, Downfall-style – my first video premiere on Substack” – Yuri Bezmenov  – DISTURBING PARODY BUT TO THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scene Is Set For Martial Law Following Mass Civil Unrest Ahead Of The November 2024 Presidential Election With The Biden Regime Targeting Christians & Republicans – Susan Duclos

US Campus Chaos: A New Oct 7 on the Way? – “Are American Students Walking into A Terrifying Trap? The New York Post has confirmed that many of the protest organizers are being paid by George Soros’ Open Society Institute. US Campaign for Palestinian Rights pays organizers and “fellows” fees ranging from nearly three thousand to over seven thousand dollars , in exchange for eight hours a week of activism to boost “revolution” in support of Palestine. The Rockefeller Brothers are also a source of funding for these campus agitators. I would point out that Soros and the Rockefeller family could help Palestine and Israel reach a peaceful solution in many other more constructive ways than fomenting campus violence and instability, so clearly the campuses are pawns in a larger agenda,” – Dr Naomi Wolf

This does not end well – “Violence either fizzles out or it escalates. It never stays low-level like this indefinitely, and fizzling is our best-case scenario. Yet I’m not certain that’s what’s going to happen.” – Tom Knighton

James O’Keefe Releases Undercover Video of CIA Contractor Admitting CIA Director Withheld Info from Trump and Spied on His Presidency – Cristina Laila

Which Foreign Country Owns the Most Farmland in the U.S.? Hint: It’s Not China – “Controversy continues to grow across the U.S., and China is the primary target of the new rules. However, China doesn’t own the most farmland in the U.S., according to a new USDA report. It’s actually Canada, which accounts for 32%, or 14.2 million acres. All told, 43.4 million acres of forest and farmland in the U.S., or 3.4% of all ag land, is foreign owned as of Dec. 31, 2022. China owns less than 1%, or 349,442 acres.” – Tyne Morgan – SO CHINA OWNS 1% OF THE 43.4 MILLION ACRES OF THE THE FARMLAND OWNED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES. GUESS WE CAN PUT THAT THREAT TO BED!!!!!!

California’s Perpetual Drought Is Manmade and Intentional – “Over several decades, the public has been deceived into voting for water bonds that have little new water in them—phony promises to build new water storage and aqueducts. About 12 percent of bond funds are spent on new water storage. The rest of the bond funds have been squandered on scores of local and special-interest environmental projects, ” – Roger Canfield

Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Set Up Camp in Seattle Park, Demand Handouts from Taxpayers – “Hundreds of illegal aliens have established an encampment in a public park in Seattle after the city ran out of funding to house them in hotels.” – Frank Bergman

Haiti Transitional Council Names New Prime Minister in Hopes of Quelling Stifling Violence – “Haiti’s newly installed transitional council chose former Sports Minister Fritz Belizaire as the country’s prime minister Tuesday as it presses forward in its monumental task of trying to establish a stable new government amid stifling violence. Belizaire replaces Michel Patrick Boisvert, the former minister of economy and finance who was the current interim prime minister. Belizaire is little known and even some members of the council didn’t know him.” – Dánica Coto

The Russian Steamroller Rolls On as Ukraine Braces for Impact – Simplicius

BRIC-o-rama: on the road in Brazil, with an eye on Russia-China – “I have just been immersed in an extraordinary experience: a mini-tour of conferences in Brazil encompassing four key cities – Sao Paulo, Rio, Salvador, Belo Horizonte. Full houses, sharp questions, fabulously warm people, divine gastronomy – a deep dive into the 8th largest economy in the world and major BRICS+ node. As much as I was trying to impress the finer points of the long and winding road to multipolarity and the multiple instances of frontal clash between NATOstan and the Global Majority, I was learning non-stop from an array of generous Brazilians about the current inner contradictions of a society of astonishing complexity.” – Pepe Escobar

Just Say No to the Saudis’ ‘Plan B’ – “It is clearly a bad, one-sided deal that creates new obligations for the U.S. that we can’t afford. This “less for less” agreement is no better for the U.S. than one that also involves Israel. In both arrangements, the U.S. is expected to hand out major favors and commitments and gets nothing for its trouble except extra burdens in the future.” – Daniel Larison





The Powell Pig – “Cpt. Powell has decided to land his Warthog one century back in time in the middle of the Weimar Republic.” – David Haggith


Monetary Malfeasance: Is This Sustainable? – “When you really understand that the root of the problem is monetary inflation, well, then there’s nobody else to point to. Who does the monetary inflation? It’s the Federal Reserve. It’s the U.S. government. It’s not greedy corporations. It’s not ‘Putin’s price hikes,’ it’s not a pandemic, it’s not voodoo, it’s not unicorns. It is the Federal Reserve and the federal government. That’s who you should blame.” – Mike Maharre

Home Prices Hit New Record High, Don’t Worry, It’s Not Inflation – Mish

An Absolutely Enormous Economic Shift Of Historic Proportions Is Now Taking Place Right In Front Of Our Eyes – Michael Snyder

Wall Street’s Megabanks Have Trillions of Dollars Off-Balance Sheet, in a Replay of Accounting Hubris that Led to the 2008 Wall Street Collapse – Pam Martens and Russ Martens





Items I Stockpile Because I Don’t Trust the Government – “It’s comforting to assume that government agencies on a federal, state and local level will swoop in to provide aid and assistance in a time of natural or manmade disasters. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case and even when they do the services and goods provided are often both limited and rationed. Hurricane Katrina continues to be a benchmark for the failure of a government agency response to disaster.” – Steve Nubie

Gardening in May (Garden Tasks By Month) – “Just for reference, I’m in gardening zone 7B, and my last average frost date is April 30th, so you may need to be doing some of these tasks a little sooner or a little later than I, depending on where you live.” – Melissa K. Norris

Here’s Why Weeds Are a Good Prep – “Plants could save your life. Why weeds? If the apocalypse comes and you have the resources to plant a garden, that will be great. But will you have the resources to DEFEND your garden? And what about if the apocalypse happens rather inconveniently, and you’re forced to be on the run and can’t keep a garden? Or what if your seeds are stolen at gunpoint? Or your entire harvest is stolen?” – Rowan O’Malley

What’s The Closest Natural Nuclear Bunker to Your Home? – Michael B

Growing Parsley Root: How to Plant and Care For This Forgotten Vegetable – “With a flavor of a delicious cross between parsnips, celeriac, and parsley, parsley root offers an unconventional option for the home grower, homesteader, and cook. Well-known across Europe, where it has been grown and used since the Middle Ages, colonists introduced it to the US in the 17th century.” – Sarah Taylor




Jeremiah 17:7-8    Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.